Sunday, December 20, 2015

German Bishops Apply to Join Anglican Communion

In a surprise announcement, the Catholic German Bishop's Conference, Deutsche Bischofskonferenz, has applied to join the Anglican Communion. Citing a desire to avoid "church dogma," Bishops Conference spokesperson, Dr. Hans Langendörfer SJ, stated that the move would be a "logical next step."

Via Ignatius -- ‘It seemed to us the logical next step in our pilgrimage of faith,’ said spokesperson Dr. Hans Langendörfer SJ. ‘We asked what the doctrinal requirements for entry were, and when we discovered that there weren’t any, we decided to go ahead. German Catholics lay great emphasis on the exercise of individual conscience as opposed to slavish adherence to Church dogma.’

Lambeth Palace is said to be seriously considering the application, along with marriage equality.

Ubi Petrus,



  1. Is this a joke, or are you serious?

  2. Joke -- have to follow the Ignatius link...

  3. As a catholic, It may be joke but seriously, You can have them, may the screen door hit them where the good lord split them, adios,au revoir, arrivederci, auf Wiedersehen,scram.

    PS you sound more Catholic than the Germans, come on over the Church needs the likes of you. Maybe a swap, I'll gladly exchange several dozen wispy bishops for your and your congregation, BTW the guns scare them shitless, GOOD

  4. The German bishops certainly don't seem very loyal, Egyptian. And thanks for the invite -- good to hear from you again.

  5. Sadly it took me a couple seconds to realize it was parody, what with the shape of the German church being as bad as it is.

  6. I know, frighteningly realistic. Sorry, Infidel.

  7. amazes me how these idiots believe becoming more liberal left wing feminist easy sex gay marriage approving is going to help membership. It seems to have worked well for the TEC hasn't it

    BTW I'm 3/4 German ( rest is french) and it really irks me how stupid the German people have become, know my family back across the pond and they have accepted so much liberalism that it scares me, Their parents complain about the lack of children and living out of wedlock for years before marriage. But on the other hand you should hear them cuss about the "poor refugees"

  8. Will they wake up? That's the question.

  9. libs in general -- maybe a lost cause...
