Monday, November 30, 2015

Behold Your Rulers!

Look upon your rulers in awe. They're meeting in Paris, to work out a plan to tax you more. And here's Illuminati shill, Miley Cyrus.

Illuminati NWO Puppet

Rock on, the New World Order.

Kick out the Jams.



  1. Oh I don't know. Miley is rather cute....

  2. It's not looking too rosy, Euripides...

  3. You'd think #Blacklivesmatter would have a word with young Miley, Lukeya.

  4. I feel confident that Barack has my best interests at heart. He's Hillary's role model.

  5. I was thinking that Miley might be a good bishop.

    (1) We've all seen her naked and she makes a better nudist on the pulpit than the existing ugly, fat, nudist bishop. She doesn't have warts and moles all over her face.

    (2) She can sing, I guess and could lead the other wiccans in liturgical dance.

    (3) She would draw a larger crowd than the old crones are able to bring in.

    (4) She could promise to "pull a train" for the men after the service in exchange for a "love offering".

    If you're going to go full pagan, Miley would be ideal.

  6. Miley would make a pretty good bishop, most definitely a pew filler. But what about Madonna? I think there's be some rivalry.

  7. Madonna would make a better ARCHbishop. Her wiccan and cabala credentials are impeccable. Miley is at best, an understudy. I can imagine myself in a service with Madonna preaching and Miley dancing naked (interpretive liturgical dance) next to her. And yes, it would draw a crowd and bring more people to the declining congregations.

  8. I don't know Madonna, but I get the feeling she wouldn't settle for less than the top job. Sorry, Justin.

  9. Renouncing Christ is never a good move for a church.

    Coming unto Christ is the mission.

    AND when you have priests of Baal running the show, the results are predictable.

  10. You'd think they'd wake up and smell the bacon. But no, that might offend the Muslims.
