Saturday, July 4, 2015

Back in Texas -- Happy 4th of July!

I'm back in Texas now, in the countryside, and it's good to be back after the writing challenge that was the 78th General Convention of the Episcopal Church. 

I managed to write a quick article at the airport, accusing the iniquitous TEC of "systemic racism," and then it was over, mission accomplished.

As I write this in depth "thought piece" a very small white chicken is pecking about in my back yard. It escaped, somehow, from its colleagues next door.

Have a great 4th of July!



  1. Glad to see you back in Texas,
    Hope your 4th of July chicken was tasty...

  2. I can only hope that Blue Revenge isn't mad at you for having abandoned him for so long. Maybe a steak can serve to mend broken fences?
