Thursday, July 2, 2015

Africans Rip The Episcopal Church

I've enjoyed being at the Episcopal Church's General Convention in Salt Lake City, even though I'm not part of the dwindling denomination and disagree with it almost entirely.

It was especially neat to climb into the press room and discover that the primates of the Global South had rebuked the small but richly gay denomination.

In a July 2 statement, Primates of the Global South, representing over two thirds of the worldwide Anglican Communion, ripped into the Episcopal Church, accusing it of deliberately rejecting the Communion's teaching on human sexuality and acting without regard for the well-being of the Anglican Communion and the mission of the Church writ large.

You can read the whole thing here, and if you do, wonder at the irony of the whitest group of anti-racists ever, telling Africans how to live.

What's the phrase, white privilege?

Back to Texas tomorrow,



  1. From the reporting and virtue on line, my sense is that TEC has lost its sense of self, lost its affiliation with Jesus Christ, but they through one heck of a gay orgy.

  2. Have you seen this, LSP?

  3. Now, back in Texas with the humidity and the Blue Ghost by your side, and a congregation of loving folks who are not much like the gathering in SLC -- I'm guessing that you're feeling normal again.

  4. Hope you made it home to Texas safe and still of sound mind. Prayers Up for a great 4th for you & the Blue Dog.

  5. A fair few of my clergy friends are part of that, Adrienne, and I'm very sympathetic. My situation is complex, however...

  6. Back safe and sound, Brighid. Have a great 4th of July!

  7. You can well understand the position of Africans on this from an international political point of view. The position of the TEC has been dubbed 'Fourth stage imperialism' by some thinkers. The first stage was colonialism, imperialists directly seizing land and people. The second stage was exploitation of continent wide resources, minerals, natural wealth and devastation of the environment by Western corporations. The third stage is domination and control by international banking and finance binding whole countries in debt . The fourth stage is when a white Western minority endeavour to try and take over culture, religion and creative and original expressions of the human mind which conflict with the goals of the Western exploiters. Basically all that is on offered to Africa and Asians is the experience of subjugation in the form of gay sex by a predatory white elite which has clothed itself in the garb of religion and progress. It's hardly surprising African reject this. Basically a white TC clergy person or LBGTetc etc saying - "Bend over black boy" is not going to go down well in light of history.

  8. You can well understand the position of Africans on this from an international political point of view. The position of the TEC has been dubbed 'Fourth stage imperialism' by some thinkers. The first stage was colonialism, imperialists directly seizing land and people. The second stage was exploitation of continent wide resources, minerals, natural wealth and devastation of the environment by Western corporations. The third stage is domination and control by international banking and finance binding whole countries in debt . The fourth stage is when a white Western minority endeavour to try and take over culture, religion and creative and original expressions of the human mind which conflict with the goals of the Western exploiters. Basically all that is on offered to Africa and Asians is the experience of subjugation in the form of gay sex by a predatory white elite which has clothed itself in the garb of religion and progress. It's hardly surprising African reject this. Basically a white TC clergy person or LBGTetc etc saying - "Bend over black boy" is not going to go down well in light of history.
