Sunday, March 1, 2015

Sunday Night at the Compound

Its a pretty regular Sunday evening here at the Compound, cleaning guns, listening to marching songs on the jukebox, and frying up steak and eggs on the grill.

Blue M4 doesn't care, all he thinks about is "eye relief," "doping the wind," and "MOA." And food. He ate a block of cheese the other day, which I'd left out on the counter to get to room temp. I was looking forward to that cheese.

You're getting dangerously close to the edge, my furry friend.

God bless,



  1. Tasty things tend to disappear around here as well. Come to find out Dad has been feeding Willie from the table. While I only feed him from his dish and only when I tell him ok. Training is not going well with either Dad or Willie...sigh.

  2. They eat dogs in Asia...

    But not blue ones.

  3. You will have to rename the dog Stilton

  4. I've had to tell the church ladies to stop feeding the adorable doggie... so, training here too, Brighid!

  5. One of my sisters lived in Seoul for a time. I don't think she liked the food; maybe it was dog.

    I gave the Blue Offender a pretty stern warning, by the way...

  6. I do like a tasty bit of stilton, Anonymous. Kind of rare here. Of course I'd have to keep it out of the reach of the "cheese hound"...

  7. Personally, I can't blame Stilton Opportunistic. You left it unattended...
