Sunday, March 1, 2015

Redder Than Russia? #1

Do you remember the Cold War, when NATO and the Free West stood against the Red Communists? One of the things we didn't like about the Soviet system was its forced "equality," where profiteering capitalists were disallowed, in the name of "wage equality." 

That was replaced by an all-powerful central state, which doled everything out equitably. Except that it didn't.

In today's Russia there's a 13% flat tax, in America the tax rate tops out at 39%.

So who's redder? America, or Russia?

You be the judge,



  1. Russia is run by capitalistic oligarchs these days. America is led by a utopian socialist who is ticked off that he's half negro.

  2. But who's more "red"? I'd say the US.

  3. Neither state is remotely socialist, although both have very powerful state organs dedicated to 'security and stability'.

  4. The question is which society offers the most freedom. In that regard, we are still ahead of the pack, though what we have has faded somewhat. You couldn't own firearms in Russia or open carry the way you can here. There are a number of obvious differences. I could write a book about "national character", etc. and the differences.

    The last election and the Republicans now controlling the Senate is but one example. That would NOT have happened in Russia. Not the way that it did.

  5. "neither state is remotely socialist" -- but isn't wealth redistribution by a central state a bit socialist? You know, like the socialists in France tried and failed to impose a 75% one-off(?) tax on the rich?

    And for sure, we're all much safer when Big Brother, sorry, "Sister", is watching you...

  6. Good freedom points, LL. And I wouldn't disagree.

    But when it comes to tax, it seems we've become more comsoc than the Russians. Oddly enough.

  7. If the Russians could make do on a 13% flat tax, you'd think that we could do the same.
