Sunday, March 15, 2015

I Love Texas

Presented without comment.



  1. Sadly, closed on a Sunday, thanks to our blue laws. Frankly tho, if you're not smart enough to stock up on your hard liquor by Saturday, then I don't want you buying it on a Sunday either! I see too many idjits holding up the line at a store, ready to get their drank on some more, when I just want to grab my big city Sunday paper, because it's not yet noon.

  2. I'm 60. I lived in Texas during my days in the US Army for about 3 years. I couldn't quite put my finger on why I loved it there back in my mispent youth, but I truly enjoyed everything about Texas. I've lived in quite a few states since then, namely Oregon (born there), Washington, California, Virginia, Massachusetts, Alabama, Michigan and lately Illinois.

    Texas has got them all beat, for exactly the reasons on that sign. That, and the zoning laws are right up my alley. If you want zoning, go see Rod Serling, but don't ask a Texan.

    Going down there in two weeks to scout out some real estate in Hill Country, where we will build our retirement home and live happily ever after. Or at least that's the plan.

  3. The "Bag N Bottle" has a certain reputation, Brighid!

  4. Mattexian -- good point. And what i really dislike is when they're wearing dirty pajama bottoms. In the line. At the store.

  5. Good luck with the dream home, Fredd. I lie the Hill Country...

  6. There are some wet counties -- in Mississippi that have drive-through liquor where they'll pour you a drink for the drive home. Not being suicidal, that never appealed to me, but there may be places in Texas where that's offered too.

  7. We better get our liquor, cigarettes and guns while we can. The EPA won't stop until it bans everything.

  8. I, for one, look forward to the day when the EPA regulates all our lives.

  9. Man, that could be anywhere in small town Alberta. Makes me homesick.

  10. There are similarities, Padre...
