Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Jihad at Charlie Hebdo

Religion of Peace? Tell that to Charlie Hebdo.

But at least one thing's for sure, if Mahomet cartoons weren't popular before, they are now, and in case you're wondering if Islam is like a desert version of Woodstock, think again.



  1. More man-caused workplace violence by a group of people who belong to a specific subset that we aren't supposed to mention.

  2. Remember when Hebdo made fun of Pope Francis and outraged Catholics rioted and killed people? Yeah - me neither.

  3. Father, Trust in the Lord and watch your six.

  4. This was a despicable act, performed by people who practice a despicable form of their religion.

  5. Here's a comment I read and liked:
    Political art is a form of expression that is rebellious in its nature. May it continue. Besides, if your faith can be shaken by a mere drawing, then you have none.

    ...and buzzfeed has a good compilation of 23 artists replying to the shooting, if you haven't seen it.
    all quite sad.
    but I agree with the memes that suggest it'll only drive other artists to portray things more fiercely. The idiots failed. You can't silence those who have that internal, rebellious, prophetic nature. The more you try, the more loudly they prophesy.

  6. We've all discussed situations when Christianity stood as a bulwark against expanding Islam. In Europe, it doesn't seem to be the case anymore. And the results could be profoundly sad.

  7. Islam is like a desert version of Woodstock

    well with goats, maybe

  8. Islam is EVIL, I refuse to call it anything else.
