Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Dallas Drive By, Stephen Fry

There I was, just a few hours back from Canada and enjoying a glass of wine at the Dallas "local" with my philisophical friend, GWB. Then bang! Six shots were fired, right outside the restaurant.

"Did you hear that?" asked my Wittgensteinian ally.
"I certainly did."
"Yes. Let's check it out."

So out we went and I noticed a punter taking cover behind a wall in the car park, so I walked over and asked what had happened. "They drove by, real slow," he said, "shooting that way. I figured I should get behind this wall." I asked him if there'd been any return fire and he said no, which was precipitate, because another shot was fired from a block or two away. Probably the enemies of the drive-by gang asserting themselves.

And that was that. Fortunate that the restaurant wasn't shot up and that no one was hurt.

In other news, the fruity old English thesp, Stephen Fry, has announced that he's going to "marry" some boy.

Try to keep your dinner down.



  1. I more cogent times, Fry would have been castrated.

    AND I'm glad that you weren't shot up. Possibly somebody unhappy that the DLC gathered for wine. In times like these, when you tie your horse to the hitching post, don't leave the guidon attached to the saddle...

  2. Now, now, LSP. Who are we to judge?

    They've obviously discovered true love. Arrrgh...

  3. That's very alarming, LSP.

    Wonder if it's related to this: http://crimeblog.dallasnews.com/2015/01/days-into-the-new-year-dallas-police-investigating-yet-another-shooting-that-sent-man-to-hospital.html/

    Anyway, glad you're safe.

  4. turn your damn collar around... and tie your horse out back for when it's time to get out of Dodge. Glad you weren't hurt. God Bless.

  5. The best thing about someone trying to kill you is how alive you feel when they fail.

  6. That's very good advice, LL. I will follow it.

  7. I don't think it's related, Jenny -- Ledbetter/Sunnyvale are further south, in the mean streets of the OC...

  8. Thanks, Brighid. No one hurt, thank God.

  9. That's a very good point, Anonymous.

  10. That sort of thing doesn't often happen in Englewood. Too cold, most of the time.
    Next time you have a hankering to visit Canada, come visit my bit - assuming I get posted to Ottawa, which is quite a lovely town.
    Stephen Fry - hmmm. I sometimes wonder of he thinks he's the next Oscar Wilde.
