Friday, August 1, 2014

Obama, Putin's Poodle?

I'd say Dmitry Rogozin's photo tweet of Vladimir Putin and Barack Obama speaks for itself, but I'll leave you to guess which world leader has over 80% approval ratings at home. And supports the Church. Hint, it's not the Communist.




  1. There is only one communist in that tweet.

  2. I must disagree. There are two communists. They differ primarily in that one is competent and the other is not. If I have to have a communist president, I am happy to have the less competent one.

  3. Actually, the photo doesn't speak for itself. The Obama photo was taken during an anti-puppy mill campaign. The dog in the photo was caged for eight years, had her vocal cords cut so she couldn't bark, and ended up with an amputated leg because of the 24/7 confinement. The dog's owner is named Jana Kohl if anyone cares to Google.
