Friday, March 16, 2012

Rowan Resigns!

It is over. 

Rowan Williams, successor to the Throne of Augustine, has announced his resignation. Courageous, incisive, strong and, above all, clear. These are just some of the words that sum up this fearless defender of the faith.

Druid, Islamic jurist, Arian, Rowan will vacate the See of Canterbury in November for his beloved Cambridge, where he will become Master of Magdalene College.

Electric Kool-Aid
We will miss you, Rowan. You helped to make the Church of England the greatness that we experience today.

Rowan with "Scally"
Bets are on that John "Scallywag" Sentamu will succeed Rowan Williams as Achbishop of Canterbury.

That will be awesome.

Kyrie Eleison.



  1. Any insights on the relationship between AB Williams and Benedict XVI? just read this post on

  2. Hard to say, Julie. But some thoughts:

    At one level they seem very friendly , and no wonder. Both are theolgians, both have a catholic understanding of church and sacraments and share a fairly similar (I think) social ethic. Both, too, genuinely seem to strive towards sanctity.

    With that in mind, Rowan, along with the majority of his COE bishops is a liberal and B16 isn't. You can imagine them discussing, or rather not mentioning, the elephant in the room that is women's ordination etc...

    And that's too bad, because shared commonality ought to be bringing the two churches together in a united witness.

    Very frustrating to me, doubtless more so to Benedict and probably to Rowan too. A scandal, really.
