Thursday, April 21, 2011

Holy Week

I've been accused, rightly, of 'neglecting my virtual flock'. Things have been a little busy with the usual ramp up to Easter, funerals, various deadlines and not half as much time to ride and shoot as I'd like. So that's my excuse, still, there's been the odd moment to gaze at the computer and the excellent site, Manhattan Infidel.

MI likes liturgical dance almost as much as I do; here's an excerpt, with accompanying picture of the Mahoney Girls:

"Desperate to induce vomiting the ER resorted to a new and controversial method:  Liturgical dance.
The Holy Sisters of the Fat Mannish Lesbian were brought in to do a five-minute interpretative dance of Jesus preaching about the dangers of climate change. Within seconds the child was vomiting.

“It was like watching Linda Blair in the Exorcist.  The kid was spewing across the entire room.” 

You can read the whole thing here, but in the meanwhile, have a blessed Holy Week and Maundy Thursday.

Stay on the horse.



  1. The Holy Sisters of the Fat Mannish Lesbian


    Have a blessed Easter...

  2. Wish i could take the credit for that line, Adrienne - but it belongs to the Infidel...

    All blessings for the Sacrum Triduum + Easter.

  3. Forgive me (father) if my Easter celebration is painfully devoid of lamentations of global warming and follows a more traditional path - - with ham served to keep the Muslims away.

  4. Have a blessed Triduum, padre.

    There'll be plenty of time for shooting and riding after we celebrate our Risen Lord this Easter Sunday.

  5. Te absolvo, LL.

    Enjoy that ham!

  6. Thanks, Silverfiddle - my Low Week plans are getting increasingly horse & gun...

    Have a joyous Easter!

  7. Thanks for the link LSP.

    I hope your Easter was blessed.

    There are those who do not believe in evil. They've obviously never had to sit through liturgical dance.
