Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Kill The Cow


Don't get me wrong, I'm against pollution, but I'm a little wary of Mr. Gore's carbon footprint. Perhaps I'm jaded by the Great Ice Age Scare of the '70s, or maybe TROP, slavery and the demographic implosion of the West rank higher on my catastrophe list. Whatever the case, Barking Spider's pithy 'Methane Report' struck a chord; you see, the BBC are busy warning the Brits against the cows because they're turning the UK into a suffocating, gaseous greenhouse. Bad news and I hate to seem disloyal to England but TEC (The Episcopal Church) has been onto this for some time, at least since Boybishop Schori's 2008 Easter address:

"When atmospheric warming, due in part to the methane output of the millions of cows we raise... begins to slowly drown the island homes of our neighbors in the South Pacific, are we truly sharing good news?"

Thanks for that, 'Jefferts' Schori. Note to self - tell cattle raising parishioners to slaughter all livestock and save planet.

For goodness sake.



  1. Thanks Spidey - the cow thing is incredibly foolish, but popular in certain circles...

  2. I'm eating steaks as fast as I can. I am but only one man!--Ron White

  3. LSP:

    I'm doing my best to deal with The Former Bishop Of Nevada's worry - I'm eating cows as fast as I can. Rare. With a little clarified butter, sautéed mushrooms, and a good bordeaux.

    Yours until Rowan Williams makes a decision,


  4. Perhaps they should read my blog about Cow Hunting....Maybe that would help....to.....

    The Black Widow.....

  5. Yes Widow - they should certainly read the blog!
