Friday, March 7, 2025

Utterly Pathetic


Were you as impressed as I was by the Democrat's awesome response to 47's State of the Union address to Congress? They sat and scowled at the prospect of lower taxes, ending government waste and corruption. They scorned a little boy suffering from cancer, a strong military, secure borders and so much more. They hated all of that, but they did love Protest Paddles.

Yes, Protest Paddles. You couldn't make it up if you tried, which is probably why you're not hired as Party PR. Wow, because nothing says speaking truth to power like a Protest Paddle. Step aside MLK, we've got all these nifty Protest Paddles, that'll show Literally Hitler!

Speaking of genius level PR, have you seen this outstanding video?

Someone on K Street needs to be fired. Or to put it another way, "Is the Democrat Party going to cringe itself out of existence?"

Yes please,



  1. Well, they did make some GREAT meme fodder...

  2. The Uniparty really has this country over a barrel. Two years ago, the 'Opposition' was carrying signs saying 'Real Men Wear Diapers;' now, the other side is waving paddles. I'll bet that every Friday Night over in Davos, Klaus Schwab runs video footage of the American Media and the Plutocrats split their sides rolling on the floor with laughter. It's like watching 'Idiocracy' as a Reality TV series.

  3. "Someone on K Street needs to be fired." Point taken, but no. We all know the drill. When you enemy is busy destroying themselves, just stay out of the way.

  4. Why are Democrat women seemingly ugly?

  5. "Why are Democrat women seemingly ugly?"

    Good question. It seems that even the ones that start out pretty end up looking like one of satan's minions...see Victoria Nuland.

    1. The evil oozes out of them like a foul oil.

    2. Well, about a quarter of them are suspected men in women's clothing, so...

    3. Nuland's a right Satan, DOS.

    4. That does seem to be the case, Beans.

  6. Wish I could laugh but I live in Colorado where the Democrats seem to show up Orange Man Bad by even more lunacy.

    1. WSF, they really seem to have sunk their claws in there. Huh.

  7. The actions of all the Dems since the November election have been pathetic, and getting more and more pathetic every day.

    I do have to admit, not having to look at Nancy Pelosi's demonic face all the time was very nice.

    And it was a hoot when Al "Caveman" Green was tossed out ever so politely. Though it would have been much more funner if they had tased the rat-bastid.

  8. "I say we nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure." CPL Dwayne Hicks.

  9. Go find a photo of this congresscritter from 1990. She looked mildly freaky but still somewhat within the normal distribution curve of humanity, actually wore a suit and did not tie-dye the hair (surely just to get elected).

    Am fairly positive she did not have more than 1K in the bank back then. Then comes 35 years in DC to turn millionaire, Seems to happen to all who stay and put their nozzles into the government trough. Support your local DOGE lawman, this crap has to end.
