Maybe you're still recovering from yesterday's once in a lifetime ambush smackdown in the Oval Office. Like... what? Never seen anything like it, ever, and you'll accuse me of being a sentimental LSP, but it's hard not to feel a little sorry for dwarven Cocainsky. Now he gets to go back to the Ukraine with a loan from 2TK (Two Tier Kier) and no US support. Would you want to be Cocainsky, right about now? Imagine if you can, dear readers, the sound of sharpening knives in Kiev.
Be that as it may, 2TK and the beloved rulers of Rainbow Garden Fortress Europa are fawning over their precious Ukrainian midget mascot and pledging undying support for his cause. Norway even went so far as to refuse a request from a US sub for fuel.
Excuse me? This is insane. NATO without the US amounts to pretty much precisely nothing. Why should we continue to spend billions of dollars to defend countries which actively hate us. Is there any good reason why US taxpayers should continue to subsidize the UK/EU cradle-to-grave socialist welfare state. We have, let's be honest, more than enough problems at home without funding their net zero lunacy.
In other news, RINO Murkowski from Alaska says that Zelensky's smackdown made her "sick to her stomach." Does Lisa Murkowski make you feel sick to your stomach?
Don't know what fuel the Delaware might need. Fresh food, perhaps?
ReplyDeleteI know, it's weird, WSF. I think there's a secondary diesel component...
ReplyDeleteWill fortress Europa march through Red Square after defeating Putin's Army? Will the Germans goose-step? Can I have the popcorn concession?
ReplyDeleteLL, I look forward to the mighty EU rainbow tranny brigades goose stepping their way into the Kremlin. But question. Will Poland occupy Lvov and Volyn oblast? Maybe Hungary/Romania have a claim too? Just a thought.
Delete"Why should we continue to spend billions of dollars to defend countries which actively hate us.". Quite. They seem perfectly content to hate us for free.
ReplyDeleteOut bloody rageous, RHT.
Delete“it's hard not to feel a little sorry for [Zelenskyy]”
ReplyDeleteNo it isn’t.
But I don’t want him murdered or even physically harmed. I wish him a very long life (in a nice house in New Gaza — post cleansing). A lonely life where he’s a joke meme, an international pariah, and where he knows he’s not welcome in his new home, but … tolerated. Tolerated for Reasons.
PS: oh the irony of Norway denying fuel to a boat named for Biden’s home state.
Natzsofast. See below.
DeleteMike, you've got me there.
DeleteNorwegian companies don't "refuel" American nuclear submarines.
American nuclear submarines don't refuel overseas.
The USS Delaware was only just launched in 2018.
The entire Virgina-class nuclear subs have a life-of-the-ship reactor core, meaning they require no refueling whatsoever for the entire 33-year planned lifespan of the ships.
Thus Delaware wouldn't need refueling by anyone, EVER, and will run on the original nuclear propulsion core until 2051.
That story is thus 100% pure horseshit, and is also, to a 100% certainty, nothing but repeated agitprop from total idiots, spun from their hindquarters.
Probably best to scrap it, not recirculate it.
Aesop, you ignorant slut, the sub wanted diesel fuel, not nuclear fuel...
DeleteAesop, wasn't the diesel for a backup generator? But hey, I'm no expert.
DeleteMurkowski and Suzy Collins from my state are worse than a democrat. They're treasonous bitches.