Saturday, November 30, 2024

We Love Our Rulers


Think of lovable old Joe Biden, how we love him! He was loved so much by everyone that he won an entire 81 million votes. The most popular president in the history of popularity.

Then there's Two-Tier Kier, he's right awesome. Kill 'em in the womb, kill 'em at the tomb, and all to save the holy NHS. While you're at it, kill the farmers too. Go, BlackRock stooge.

Oh, You're Not Gay, You Puking Bankster

And don't forget Macron, France's phony little corporate huckster bankster. So loved by all.

Germany Will Defend The West From Putin, by Gayness

What about Germany, do they even have a Leader? Questionable. But not to worry, they're deindustrializing as we speak. 1945, anyone? Please, serfs, criminalize the AfD.

But perhaps Old 47 can reverse this sickening trend. I hope he does, and Sgt. LSP tells me that the troops are already starting to talk like troops, instead of walking on rainbow eggshells. "Dad," he says, "None of the three trannies in our Brigade are deployable, and now they have to go." Good, and so they should. Why were they even there in the first place.

You know the answer and I won't bang on. Except to say...

Love & Obey your Rulers,



  1. Death to the neo-feudalists and the One World Order (which, if you look under the hood, is the very definition of feudalism. A person (lord) controls X aspect of the area, business or land or housing, and the subjects under said person/lord are bound to the land, business or such.

    1. Beans, it seems they're scheming to turn us all into renters or, more precisely, slaves. I'm against that.

    2. Eternal debt leads to debt peonage which leads to chattel slavery.


      It's how free people become unfree, every time.

      To break the cycle requires breaking the debt-cycle. Which means educating the peons. Which, curiously, the Department of Education doesn't do. Educate that is. Hmmm...

  2. Getting rid of the trannies? Good! Just coming out as gay was enough to get you booted back when I was in.

    1. Quite right too, Jim. Seems things are moving in the right direction at Ft. Hood.
