Friday, August 2, 2024

He's Back


There's even a video:

Powerful, don't you think?



  1. People, then and now, didn't and don't understand Hitler. He wasn't a kook. Wasn't a weirdo. Wasn't, well, anything overtly bad (at the beginning.) He addressed a nationwide, worldwide malaise. He addressed real issues, like poverty, lack of morals, a general hatred for ones' past, hatred of ones' country, ones' city or town.

    It was bad, after WWI. We can talk about the Weimar Republic and how bad it was, but the WR was 100, 1,000 times worse than our (the USA's) own 'Great Depression.'

    He spoke to the little things that mattered to the people. Degeneracy, downtroddenness, a national mental depression.

    So, yeah, Hitler's early works were very much like this presentation. Addressing the truths. Addressing the covering-up of falsehoods.

    Was he evil? Lots of people didn't think so, even after he started conquering places, mistreating minorities. Heck, he was Time Magazine's Man-of-the-Year. He was praised worldwide for his actions in saving Germany (before he destroyed it.)

    And, really, in truth, were the words spoken in the video wrong? Don't TV networks hide the reality, the truth, behind lies and falsehoods and... cooking shows?

    Yes, the real Hitler was evil. But what's more evil, letting 'refugees' and 'immigrants' destroy your nation? Let non-governmental agencies destroy all that is good?

    Sad, when one of the most evil men ever speaks more truth than our enlightened leaders.

  2. I think, Herr Beans, and I'm a partial expert, that Hitler was possessed. You'll note Satan discarded its toy.

    There's a warning in that.

  3. He didn't show his possession or insanity until late.

    He spoke to the people. Agreeing with them about all the injustices they'd suffered under over all the years.

    People here in America or in England forget that Germany has always been and always will be a collection of 'states,' principalities, regions, that for the most part hate other states, principalities and regions within Germany almost as much as non-Germany.

    Hitler united all of that. By addressing all the various peoples as if they were one.

    Again, yeah, possessed. But was his message flawed or was it the messenger or a combination of both that ended Nazi Germany.

    What would have happened if Germany had just... stopped. Stopped with the Sudetenland, or stopped with Austria, or with Western Poland or Alsace-Lorraine. Absorbed all of 'Traditional Germany' and then stopped. Would he have been seen as evil then by people in the future? Gotten away from the Weimar days, reindustrialized, fixed itself, brought prosperity to its people and then... stopped expanding.

    Would the rest of the world even have blinked an eye if the ethnic and moral cleansings had happened without all the rest of WWII?

    After all, the world didn't cringe at the Armenian Genocide. Nor the Holomodor of Ukraine, or the ethnic and moral cleansings going on in the USSR after the Revolution.

    The world didn't cringe, much, over the Killing Fields of Cambodia. Of the horrors of the Long March and the Cultural Revolution of Communist China. Of the horrors of Che! and Castro and the commie takeover of Cuba. Of the killing and destruction of Rhodesia (which, actually, most of the world supported the future idiot leaders of Zimbabwe and all the ethnic cleansing and white deaths and called the actual good things of Rhodesia as evil and corrupt.) Where's the world freaking out over, geez, HAMAS and Hezbollah?

    If Hitler had stopped. Just stopped. Would we today call him evil? Possessed? A creature of Satan?

    Probably not.

    I mean, where's the world screaming "Evil! EVIL!" at France's antisemitism before WWI, after WWI, during WWII, to this day (as practiced by Parisians and other haut Froggies?)

    Where's the condemnation of FDR (hwack-sptooie) and his great plans for the post WWII destruction of Judaism as a religion and Jews as a people? (And, yes, I consider FDR to be one of the Devil's handpuppets.)

    Ooooh. Hitler Bad. Stalin Good. Mussolini Bad. Mao Good. Pinochet Bad. Che! Good! (just don't wear a Che! shirt in Miami in the Cuban communities even today.)

  4. The movie was I think very well done. I think it did a fine job of showing the Hitler that rose to the top and how he did it. Not the screaming Hitler, but the man who saw the people's need and spoke to it.

    I don't think he was evil all along. And I don't think he intended to kill all the Jews all along. Up into 1941 Hitler had a program to move jews out of Germany to Palestine which was ended by Britain, not by him. When the Jews were trying to leave, it was the western nations who did not want to let them in.

    I think he did get crazy at the end, IF the movies portrayals of him can be believed. And since most of what we think we know about him has been told to us by hollywood and the media, which we now know lies to us about the time of day and the color of the sky... well, how much did they lie about Hitler?

    If he went really crazy toward the end, probably that's what can happen to someone when he starts seeing everything he worked for being destroyed or failing. Everything the left does fails, they know that the majority of the people now know they are failures, and certainly they are going crazy.

    One of the things that bugs me about Hitler is how we are told over and over he was a madman. We are shown him speaking and told he is nuts and evil, but we are rarely shown a translation of what he is saying, mostly someone just mocks him instead.

    There is an AI out there that turns Hitler's speeches into English and when people see and hear that, the actual words he actually said, not what someone told you he said, they don't find what he said to be all that out there. It reminds me of the Unabombers manifesto. We are told it was crazy and nuts. But if you actually read it now, it doesn't sound like nuts, it sounds like the world today. Like that t-shirt that says "I need new conspiracy theories, all of mine came true."

    1. Well. I for one am certain that Hollywood and the Newsmedia can be trusted to be entirely neutral and objective about the topics of Hitler and Jews.

  5. Good call, Beans, and I'd echo the "just stopped" point.

    But here's the thing, for me at least. AH was not a Christian (baptism aside) and his people were even less so. See Himmler & Co in Wewelsburg.

    This, for me, is a fatal flaw in the Hitlerian project, right from the beginning. Franco? Different cat.

  6. Johnny, when I was a kind I met with a few people who'd been in the UK Diplomatic Service and seen Hitler speak. None of them said, not once, that he came over as insane, merely mediocre, if portentous.

    My feeling, for what it's worth, is that he spoke to the people and they resonated with him, as in "let's get rid of the asset-stripping parasites who have destroyed this country and ruined your lives." Right on, we're living it today. But...

    There's that curious bit where he writes that (during/after Anschluss?) voices spoke to him assuring victory, which was evidently proved after Poland and France.

    I'd call those voices demons, and look how they discarded their toy.

    PS. For kicks, look up Hitler EVP

  7. LSP, regarding Hitler and Christianity, well, he and his people were hard socialists of the national variety after all, and that pretty much precludes any real adherence to any other 'god' than the state.

    And he was considered mediocre and pretentious by the upper-crust in Germany. But Hitler wasn't aiming at the upper crust (as he could use the power of the state to control them,) he was aiming at the middle and lower class, you know, the ones the upper crust screwed over before, during and after WWI.

    It's like listening to Trump, and, no, I am not calling Trump hitlerian. He speaks to the non-pretentiously snob class, instead speaking to middle America. Trump is very plain spoken, and speaks from mosty-truth.

    Same with Herr Schicklegrubber. He spoke truth to the people who were suffering, who've been told for decades if not centuries that they weren't great.

    1. Beans, there is most definitely that. Viz. Trump.

      Calling him Hitler is utterly preposterous astroturf, gaslighting rubbish.

      Pompey Redivivus? Maybe not so much. Don't get me wrong, I'm pretty much a Trumpist, but still.

    2. Trump is more Lincolnian or Washingtonian in the way he sees his fellow man. Nice and good to those who deserve it. And a terrible enemy to those who cross him.

      Look at the way he dominated any meetings with foreign leaders, especially the NATO poncies. Shakes hand and then puts the dominating left hand movement on their shoulders. Unabashedly moving to the front and center no matter what the others decided. Staring down the others. And telling them the truths to their faces where they can't deny what he said.

      The left, who see Obama and both Clintons as masters of the word, can't stand Trump because he doesn't use political speech when he's speaking. It's like Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan (from the books.) Can hang with the politicians but speaks the truth and the politicians and media and other leftists can't understand what he's saying because he's actually saying what he's saying.

      In a past time, Trump would be leading a Crusade. Or be the power-leader of a Greek city-state. Or, well, a fully-eyed Jan Zizka.

      Whatever he touches turns gold, not because he is magic but because he is one of those people who see the potential in people and expects them to meet that potential. He creates the magic, so to speak. Doesn't help that he's wicked smart, too, and well-read and well-educated (not college degree edjumacation, but real education.)

  8. Beans, do you think we can vote our way out of this?

    1. If the leftist elitist scum accept the elections and don't cheat waaaay past the acceptable cheat point and don't start fires and scream and throw actual tantrums and then use the time between the election and the inauguration to totally pull the nation apart.

      Seeing how many normies are pulling away from the Dems and their demon-leaders, yes, there is a chance. A pretty good chance.

      More states, especially 'battle-ground' states, have hardened their elections processes and worked on cleaning up the voter roles.

      Doesn't mean we can get complacent. Doesn't mean we shouldn't be prepared to stack bodies and hang traitors.

      And, yes, there is potential for another stolen election. Just look at how the eneMedia has whitewashed Kamala the Kackler (a lot of negative stuff in the media about Kamala is rapidly being disappeared from the interwebs) and are trying to whitewash her VP choice (and that's failing pretty much thanks to the swiftboat campaign that sprang up the second his name came out.)

      And there's the potential for more and more authoritarian crackdowns by our federal bureaucracy.

      But... The Supreme Court has really been ruling hard against the Deep State and for the God-given Rights-of-Man above the state.

      And Justice Thomas' words after the last stealection have come true. The other Supremes have come to see that their refusal to see any evidence regarding shenanigans, that now have come very much out in the public eye (witness the State of Georgia officially saying their 2020 election was borked beyond belief) that maybe they chose poorly and given a second chance may need to choose wisely for Man and God above the state.

      I hope.

      I don't want to see this nation burn, to see people on the edge die because the brownshirts and black-jacket people are fully hounding the faithful.

      I don't want to see a Crusade here in this country as the faithful-to-the-Constitution and the Right Wing and Conservatives and Deeply Religious (picture a Venn diagram of 4 circles interlaid over each other. Lots of overlaps, some sections not overlapping) have to rise up and cleanse the land from the devil- and demon- followers. Because nobody, NOBODY, not country, not churches outside of the US, will ever come to our aide. Partly because they want us dead as a free country. And partly because if we fall, everyone falls, the whole worldwide house of cards falls and a real dark age will appear, signifying the end of freedom and humanity for at least a hundred, maybe a thousand years, maybe forever.

      And that's why, whenever anyone says "Why don't you right wingers start shooting? Are you pussies?" we the aforementioned peoples don't jump up and start shooting and stacking bodies. Because we know, if we have to, the World ends as we know it and there will be Dark Times, very Dark Times, before any light is seen again.

      We have no problem going all ape-shit against the forces of evil. We just understand that if we do, our sick wives will die, our friends will die, our families will be destroyed. Yeah, we're ready, in a John Wick way, to ride this bitch into the ground and surround ourselves with a death-watch that would shock real Vikings, make Ghenghis Khan blanche, even frighten people like Stalin and Mao and Xi and Mohammad.

      If any of us survive, it will be a radically different world. And the new 2nd Amendment will end with "AND WE MEAN IT THIS TIME!!!"
