Friday, August 16, 2024

With Apologies To Our Lady


Have the people had enough? Maybe not quite yet, but you can feel the simmering discontent as prices continue to rise and the richest amongst us, our Beloved Rulers, grow moar richer than they already are. Is greed like an addiction, as in can't get enough?

Speaking of which, have you noticed the Church of England's dropping the word "Church" from its profile? Well, if the shoe fits.

With apologies to the Blessed Virgin,



  1. The entity formerly known as the "C of E" should change its name to the "Gay Marxist Sunday Brunch Club".

    1. Good call, Anon, but they don't much do brunch over there. The Episcopal Church? Different story.

  2. Afternoon Tea, maybe?

    1. Exactly, Anon. It's that mawkish combo of total apostasy served alongside cucumber sandwiches, tea, scones and Mengele style bodily mutilation on the manicured lawn of a bishop's palace. Worth a shudder, don't you think?

  3. I suppose that's the next logical step considering how they're going, but then what? Merge with the Unitarians?

    1. Maybe so, Wild, and that's, in effect, what they are. Not unlike TEC, PECUSA and the Methodees over here. Expect a lib die-off followed by, I hope, some kind of renewal. Hey, I attack the COE because I come from there, but the same applies to all the Western denoms, I think.

  4. Replies
    1. It's a whole new world NFO, and not better with it. At least that's my take, and I'm sticking to it.
