Monday, July 29, 2024

What Kind Of American Are You?


Me? Dual passport Texan.



  1. Praise God.
    You all be safe and God bless.

  2. Regarding that movie, a true patriot would have wiped out the newsies on first sight, considering the way the eneMedia has acted over the last 100 years.

  3. Whelp, I've been offline living real life for a few days, and I come back to the posts of the past several days and Jay-zuz, Mary and Joseph, what do I find? Satanic Priests and Priest-ettes, Satanic Last Supper parodies, Tranny wives of Fwench Premiers and all manner of other clap-trap. Whew! Think I'll take another few days off!

  4. Heinz 57 ancestry, one side here for a long time (1800's)...other side, dad's parents, came off the boat through Ellis Island. Me? 100% BaseballChevyApplePie American...especially having been reared in Colonial central Bucks County, PA...Washington's Crossing was 15 minutes up the road and Independence Hall was an hour away in Philly.

    Anyone not calling themselves - simply - "an American" has no understanding of the term "assimilation". Anyone degrading our country or burning the flag or forcing Marxist or Asinine Demented concepts or themes on the 85% of us normies needs to self-deport to GoScrewYourselfA-Stan, see how you like it there.

    Ps. We let the Passports expire, have no desire to travel abroad anymore, altho Norway/Denmark might have been fun again.

    Pss. That last bit may clarify "what kind of American" I am.

  5. There is that, Beans.

    Mind you, reservations aside, and I had a few, not a bad flick. The secesionists won.

    My main cavil was 1. An outdated Press formula (per you) which no longer exists, and 2. Why was there some dumpy black woman leading the final kill team? Errrr. That aside, not so bad, considering.

  6. Wild, evil always overplays its hand.

    Stand firm.

  7. Preach it, Paul.

    I've got a US and an expired UK passport. Must get the latter renewed, just coz.

  8. @LSP…absolutely, it is The Motherland after all.

  9. It is, Paul, for good and ill. A lot of good, I'd argue. Hopefully that survives the current... thing.
