Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Some Kind Of Pathetic Warty Overweight Joke?


oh my, you're almost NULAND UGLY, and that's saying something

SS diversity hire Cheatle's said her SS (Excuse me! Uncle Sepp) couldn't control the Trump shooter's rooftop because it was sloping. Presumably her DEI agents would've slid down the sloping roof and fallen to their deaths if they'd tried. Cheatle, apparently promoted from Pepsi to the SS by Jill Biden, has told the world that the "buck stops with me." Yet she refuses to resign. So here we are. And what does "are" mean?

Some kind of total incompetence met with malfeasance, skullduggery, deceit and demonic influence in high places? Perhaps, and scriptural readers will note the Apostles' warning against "spirits of the air" and "against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

Yes indeed. That's our fight. You will note Satan increasingly deploys defective staff; Biden's the latest and surely most obvious example. And, when his toys fail to perform he drops them, perhaps you'll have noticed this pattern at the risible presidential debate. So here's a question, and it's a serious one.

Why did Biden's handlers allow their puppet to ascend the stage? Why did they do that? No one in their right minds would've allowed that to happen, but they did. It's like, Trump didn't even have to say anything. Are we talking a coup or simply a rational meltdown in demonic ranks. Huh, I don't know.

On topic, the curiously named head of America's SS, the grotesquely ugly if massively rich Kimberley Cheatle, has a reported net worth of over $10MN USD, was paid >$1MN USD per year at Pepsi and now languishes, grievously onna lowball salary of $280k. But what shall it profit a possessed Clay Golem to gain the whole world and yet forsake it's soul? 

Exorcisms and nooses down the Mall, anyone?

Your Old Pal,



  1. YouTube has many posts by security experts/military snipers tearing apart the security setup. There are more than one cell phone video taken by citizens showing the shooter crawling up the roof minutes before the shooting. The list goes on and on. Sickening!

  2. Reports are that the shooter was wandering around in public view with his AR-15 for as long as an hour. FBI reported that he had a radio transmitter with him. I wonder what he was told and who told him?

  3. If you want the cream to rise to the top, you skim the fat off as many times as you have to. History tells us that Presidents have fired Generals for failures in battles. It is the hard way to win a war, but a true leader will identify who has to go and who deserves promotion.

  4. And she's dodging like a bouncing football on frozen ground. This is purposeful. Cheatle should be in prison, she is involved in the assassination attempt, minimally by looking the other way, or worse, actually setting it up and putting parties and "assets" in motion. She thinks she's the smartest person in the room. News for you "Toots", you're done, better find a good lawyer.

  5. The only way to stop this stuff is to rent out one of those Mayan pyramids in Mexico and literally roll heads down the steps. Pour encourager les Autres. The only question is, pay-per-view or live on Fox News?

    A couple guys even wrote a song about it years ago:

  6. My dear Pewster, are you suggesting that CHEATLE is somehow incompetent?

  7. Well, Anon, it's all very odd.

  8. Wild, what can we say?

    As some day it may happen that a victim must be found
    I've got a little list — I've got a little list
    Of society offenders who might well be underground
    And who never would be missed — who never would be missed!

