Saturday, July 20, 2024

Operation Golden Calf


A Typical Bunkhouse of Bishops

A guest post by your favorite and mine, the Dyslexic Deacon:

Archbuckaroo of Canterbury Justsin Wobbly is riding roughshod over members of the General Sodyn opposed to ‘Operation Golden Calf’ - his plan to turn Anglican pastures, lawfully the preserve of sheep, over to cattle.

In an interview for The Church Crimes he said unleashing Buckarette of London ‘Shotgun’ Sarah Doolally to stampede herds over all in their way was ‘a radically inclusive response to an urgent pastoral need’. Any surviving sheep, he promised, will be corralled and safeguarded by the Bunkhouse of Bishops - pending a final solution.

Shepherds are arming themselves and preparing for a long shoot-out.



Yours Evre,



  1. Well armed sheep contesting the DEI...

  2. Dear Anon, you drive a good and serious point. Of course the Dyslexic Deacon gets excited, it's just his way.

  3. I like that hat, does it come in brown?

  4. If you won't worship God, why not a golden calf? There is a precedent.

  5. Exactly, LL.

    You'll note the venerable COE is shrinking to extinction.
