Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Just Some Marching Music


Have you noticed how our beloved rainbow elite rulers are busy setting up the draft, for moar war. Are you ready to serve, fight and die for trans toilets, rainbow flags and diversity is our strength? I hope so, because anything else would be traitorous insurrection. Look, behold the ruler you're going to die for.

Beautiful, ahem, and rich, very, very rich. So here's a rousing tune, might as well get in practice, don't you think?

Your Best Pal,



  1. One of my favorite marches. (Certain persons are saying “Ah hah! I knew it!” Well, screw you, Certain Person. It’s not a Nazi song. It’s a guy thinking of the girl he left behind, and their heimat. The most evocative translation I’ve seen of “heimat” is “homeland of the heart”. It’s dear not because it’s inherently or objectively special, but rather because it’s familiar, homey, and THEREFORE beloved.)

    Also, one of The Swedish Disaster’s names might be Erica, but that neither here nor there. 😛 (Plus that’d be a point against the song. But here we are.)

  2. For all their shortcomings, the Germans have the best marches.

  3. Mike, what can I say? Such a great song! And quite, not Nazi, just Heimat, which isn't the same thing, though some confuse the two.

  4. They sure used to, WSF. Mind you, the Brits aren't shabby either, and less "showy" to boot, which is a plus, I think.

  5. One of the best German marching songs isn't German at all:


  6. Oh, poo, that was me.
