Sunday, July 21, 2024



What a Two-Bit Fraud

At last, the most popular president in the 81 million vote history of popularity has stepped down. And all it took was a simple message of resignation from the race on social media, not even his they/them staffers knew. So clandestine, so professional, so not a coup and wow, it didn't even take a vote. And the people rejoice, check it out:

Unreconstructed, eh?



  1. My crazy evil Catholic hating commie brother is all on board and excited about Kamala. And people wonder why I've been no contact for about 15 years?

  2. What really knocked me out were his cheap sunglasses.

  3. Crusty Old TV Tech here. Our Herm cousins do know how to do a proper marching tune, don't they? And music by the Brandenberger Landspoizei Marching Band. Makes one want to hoist a liter of good Alt or Pils, and enjoy!

    Funny thing, the Heino video stopped, and the tuberthing gave me some was this:

    The Devil's Brigade, Canadian March-In. Another people who know how to do a marching tune right!

  4. Adrienne, I'm sorry, that's right backward.

    They think, I've noticed, that Donald Trump is literal Hitler.

    I fear they've been driven insane, by Satan.

    Rousing tune, eh?

  5. Wild, this is a whole new vein for me. You'll note his purple(?) suit coat to boot.

    Huh, far out.

    Btw, there's more where that came from. I know this because a bishop keeps sending me the vids.

  6. Apparently, Infidel, he's still alive.

    Don't say Reanimator.

  7. Tech, I have always LOVED that film and the march in. Will post.
