Monday, July 15, 2024


\Went to the lake today to fish, and lost count of the perch, fierce little beasts. Then there's this:


What's your take. Massive, egregious incompetence or something more sinister? Either way it's bad for CONUS looking forward. Just sayn.

Your Pal,




  1. Bit of both.

    SS onsite commander should have pushed coverage farther out.

    Sniper teams and ground teams should have had range cards and locations of all LEO assets, anything not on the map should have been taken care of.

    But, well, apparently the SS had been told years ago that their job is law enforcement, not protection, so someone can't pre-commit a crime and be taken care of, so no waxing potential gunmen because it's not, apparently, okay to blast away at a perp until said perp blasts away.

    Which, to me, are stupid Rules-of-Engagement.

    And, nice fish. About 30 or 40 more and you can have a nice lunch, maybe.

  2. I'm still leaning towards too much DEI and incompetence. Don't know what the ROE were. And just like the tranny shooter in Nashville, we'll only get all the information after Trump is re-inaugurated.

    Here's one for you padre- Trump seems very un-Trumpish lately. Did not pile on Puddin'head after the disaster debate. Very, very calm yesterday in Milwaukee. I know being an inch or two from a sudden demise is still sinking in. Thoughts?

  3. The Secret Service allowed the shooter to crawl up on a roof 130 yards from the podium.
    Then the Secret Service Sniper Teams watched as he got in position and set up his rifle.
    They had time to notify their superiors and ask for clearance to take out the shooter.
    They were TOLD to let the shot happen.
    Did they sounded the alarm or tell the other teams to secure the President?
    No, it wasn’t their fault, they were “Just following orders”.
    They sat there and watched as the shooter attempted to kill the President.
    They never sounded the alarm or told the other teams to secure the President
    The shooter very nearly killed the President, but did manage to injure him AND Murder an Innocent man in the stands and critically Injure two more before they finally stopped the shooter.
    Those Secret Service Agents who allowed such carnage should be brought up on Manslaughter charges.
    Those who told them Not to eliminate the Shooter MUST be Tried for Treason and Attempted Assassination of the President. They wanted him Dead and very nearly got their wish.
    No other possible way this happened…

    MSG Grumpy

  4. @Dad of Six,

    My thought on Trump. The world saw his instinct when he raised his fist and yelled "Fight!". He is also smart. The mask has been well and truly ripped off the enemy, and they are consuming themselves from within. Stand back and let them. So the enemy thinks Orange Man is bad? Wait until they get a load of Man on Fire. A fire will burn in Trump for all his days over the dead and wounded rally attendees.

  5. Somebody at the Secret Service sees the initials "SS" and thinks they're running a different organization altogether.

  6. Agreed, Beans, surely a bit of both. Clearly ridic ROE.


    These were just juveniles and went back to fight again another day. I think there'll be some keepers in the weeks ahead. Btw, beer battered BLUEGIL Lmakes for a great snack.

  7. With you, DOS, on the ROE thing, though we have to wonder.

    Perhaps Pompey Redivivus has somehow matured?

    Kinda seems that way.

  8. What an excellent translation, Grumpy!

    I especially liked this, "Those Secret Service Agents who allowed such carnage should be brought up on Manslaughter charges."


  9. RHT, imo the Fight photo was the shot of the decade, if not more.


    PR doesn't get any better.

  10. Now that, Standartenfuher Wild, is a very good point.

  11. Blue gills do fight hard...but a trophy shot?

  12. Thank you for the promotion. I think......

  13. Back in the days before cell phones and all the other electronic "helpers" we have today I worked at the Hyatt Regency Houston at Spindletop - the roof top tourist bar. Nixon as president came to stay. I witnessed up close and personal how the Secret Service worked. It was nothing like now. They were there 2 weeks before the visit and the entire 30 floors of that hotel were secured (Spindletop was on the 33 floor). Every single employee was subjected to background check. The floors above and below Nixon's floor were cleared and kept secure. Phones were installed on every floor's service stairs. At that time Spindletop was the highest building. While he was there every building around the hotel had a sniper. Being in Spindletop I had a bird's eye view of all the snipers (I felt VERY safe :-) There was also several agents on every single floor during the actual visit, and littered all over the center atrium, kitchens, and service bars.

    I also had intimate encounters with Secret Service in both Arizona and Idaho when I had a bit of a dispute with the IRS that lasted SIX years. They were an impressive bunch of guys and were 100% on my side against the IRS and promised to not haul me to federal prison.

    All this is to point how how far they've become politicized and destroyed. A 5'4" or so woman has no business protecting a president - in particular one who can't holster her gun or block a bullet.

    Unsecured roof within shooting distance??? A handy ladder? Please don't p*ss on my leg and tell me it's raining.

  14. Delighted to see that Adrienne is still going strong.

  15. Thank you RHT447. It'll take the devil quite a bit longer to take me out.

  16. Gotta agree with MSG and Adrienne both... sigh

  17. They're still really young, LL, unseasonably so.

    I blame Climate Change and failure to pay tax.

  18. Totally agree, Adrienne.

    "They were an impressive bunch of guys and were 100% on my side against the IRS and promised to not haul me to federal prison."

    Sorry you had to go through that.

  19. My dear RHT, we all miss ADRIENNE'S CATHOLIC CORNER tremendously.

  20. I sense, Adrienne, that you're made of stern stuff. Well, you have lived in Houston :)

  21. Same, NFO.

    Note Trower's song.

  22. My hubby wants me to get the shirt that says "Underestimate me. That will be fun."

    NB: Short people are very dangerous people. We're a teeny bit insane. Just ask the tall fat perp I had to take down in the Costco parking lot to protect a fellow employee who was being savaged.

    It's sort of like my tiny (6 lb) tortie kitteh when any large (15 lb) kitteh invades her domain. Torties are VERY territorial. As the invader runs for their life I'm sure they're thinking, "What the hell is wrong with that psychopath?"
