Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Great Art


Art, remember that, when talented people used to paint beautiful things? You know, as in to uplift the human spirit. Yes, we vaguely remember that, back in the day of bourgeois aesthetic oppression. So awful, so thank Gaia we've freed ourselves from that. In a spirit of liberation let's have a look at the new art which has freed us.

Good work, Rothko, now I don't feel oppressed. Just because it's gross and oppressive doesn't mean it isn't beautiful, said Satan, and check out Marina, famous art witch to the rich and powerful. Here she is, art busy Spirit Cooking:

Leading Democrats were part of Abramovic's degenerate, satanic, perverted "installation," and what can we say? Surely not devil worship. As if.

What gets me is how anyone who calls themselves a Christian can vote for these demoniacs. Yet they do, in their millions, adding their apostate names to the tally of everything that's against the will of God. They can't even, in their infernal confusion, define a woman and a man, much less unite to produce children.

They're literal nihilists, and therein lies hope. They won't reproduce and we will.




  1. You can probably find bargains now on Hunter Biden's "art".

  2. I think that Hunter's nose art will become valuable again when the Ho is installed in the White House and Hunter is appointed to Secretary of Transportation to replace the Butt Guy, who will move to SECDEF.

  3. I don't have the time nor does the world have enough internet space for me to go on about the evils and laziness and stupidity and sheer ugliness of modern art.

    One time the wife and I went to a museum in Jacksonville, Fl. Eh, lots of modern art. Bleh. But there was one 19th Century painting, about grape harvesters heading back from the vines to the winery, a man and woman, he on foot and she on a donkey. We sat and stared at that painting. For over an hour. The more you looked, the more that appeared. Depth, color, shading, light, dark, emotions, joy, beauty, adoration, realism... That's art.

    The new stuff? Elephants could, wait, elephants have painted better.

  4. I denounce your blatant anti-Rothkotism. You probably don’t approve of Gehry either. I also denounce your probable anti-Gehrytism.

    As to Abramović, I’m genuinely puzzled as to whether people are LARPing with this stuff as some sort of twisted joke, or if they’re truly aboard with it. Serious question now: Some people say, “If you don’t like it then just ignore it.” (“Some people” includes persons I genuinely care for and about.) Is that the correct response?

    I’m of the school that this stuff is spiritually foul, and not to be tolerated. (Cue the theatrically hysterical cries of “Nazi book-burner!” Screw you, you perpetually aggrieved whiners.) I was in Manhattan the other day and saw posters advertising the Cabaret revival starring Eddie Redmayne and Gayle Rankin. I haven’t seen the new show, but the 1972 movie depicted a demimonde that filled me with disgust. (And a little pity for the characters. But just a little.) Tommorow might not belong to me. But tomorrow does not, MUST not, belong to these despicable and depraved creatures.

  5. @Mike_C Beautiful rant and so true. Thank you.

  6. I took an art appreciation class in college. They tried... brainwashing me with lies about the deep meanings one could find in modern art. I guess if you repeat a lie often enough people will buy it. As Goebbels wrote, "The English follow the principle that when one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it. They keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous." It didn't work. I still don't appreciate modern art.

  7. What a very good point, WSF.

  8. LL, good call.

    Just imagine how respected we'll be in 1. The art community and 2. The community of nations.

    I do hope you're long in Hunter art.

  9. Beans, I get the feeling you'd go to the Frick in NYC rather than the MOMA.

    Same here, every time.

    Why should I subject myself to some kind of massively at profit blasphemous excrescence when I don't have to.

  10. My Dear Mike,

    Some say Gehry is proof positive that LSD messes you up, others accuse his laudable, groundbreaking work as pioneering, a liberating movement against hidebound, bourgeois normativism. Perhaps you should report yourself, immediately.

    Then there's ABRA. LARP or for real? Good question and I'll wager the fighting monkey, who's a vicious beast, let me tell you. Behind every cosplay there's a play waiting to get out, in this case Crowley. Does that make ABRA a Thelemite? Hey, if what you is what you are then so be it.

    With you, spiritually foul.



  11. Adrienne, Mike's right on the money, imo.

  12. Neither do I, pewster. I mostly scorn it for the utter rubbish it is. But did you notice the uplifting painting of Putin spanking the Magic 0? What can I say, great art is not dead.

  13. Regarding museums in NYSoddomCity. The Cloisters, at one time, probably. The Met, of course, especially if allowed to peruse behind the scenes of the Armour exhibit. (Adam Savage's litte yousetub videos just wetted my appetite to spend a month or more behind the scenes.)

    Anything more modern than the Pre-Raphaelites or Art Deco? Nope. Blargh.

    In one 'art appreciation' course, a teacher tried to explain the wonders and beauty of "Nude Descending a Staircase." I spent 20 minutes analyzing it and tearing it apart and making the teacher cry.

    Don't get me started on modern 'classical' or 'freeform jazz.' You know, the stuff that sounds suspiciously like recording a band recreating 'nude descending the staircase' but without any grace or control. Yeehaw. Hate 'modern' garbage.

    I love the looks of a Cord automobile, or any of the great cruising cars of the 30s to 50s. Rounded, but with character and grace. Not today's modern amoeba-shaped blah cars.
