Saturday, June 15, 2024

What A Mess


What, you say, the state of this great nation, which is apparently hellbent on going to Hell by the nearest available off ramp? No, that's a different post, I'm talking about the Compound. You see, what happened is this. I went off to visit my pal's Battle Farm in Paris Texas, all well and good, and then stayed the night in Dallas by way of filial piety. Nice, but guess what happened? It rained, and it rained mightily.

Then the rain stopped, like the Flood itself, and back we went to this bucolic slice of rural paradise in North Central Texas. Except it wasn't paradise, far from it. While I was away the church basement had flooded, wrecking the AC units cunningly stationed in its flood plain, and so had the basement in the house. In both locations our sump pumps had pathetically broken and there were the basements, awash with around three feet of water.

Worse than this, the sewer line from the Compound was partially blocked with debris, which would explain partial backups onto the kitchen floor when you run the clothes washer. Huh. Better call an electrician and a plumber, which we did.

Long story short. We pumped out the water, Electrics is looking to fix the AC and a crew of plumbers has been working pretty much around the clock to fix the sewer line. No kidding, they were here till almost midnight yesterday, digging up the line. I asked them, "I hope you're getting overtime," and they replied, "No, it's for a good cause, the Church."

Right on, and by the grace of God and sheer dint of hard work those boys cleared the line today out to the mains, some 100 feet away, and set the thing up for a dual clean out. Good work, kids, over and above the call of duty. And let's thank God for this too, the pipe in question is PVC, not clay or iron.

So that's what's been going on here in the country since Wednesday, electricians, plumbers and our ongoing war against the Weather. We shall prevail in this particular skirmish, and emerge stronger. In related news, our Beloved Rulers seem all in favor of the draft, as in "draft all the young people to fight a war."

"Why," asked my eldest, "should I fight a war for Rainbow Corporate GloboHomo and it's transnational rulers?" You see, he was thinking of getting out into a lucrative IT job, let the reader understand. I replied, quick as a flash, "You won't, you'll be part of the training cadre. Stay in and get the most out of it." He seemed to get the sense of that.

Regardless, we're approaching full water here unlike, say, Idaho. Speaking of our Rulers killing some 500,000 square acres of farmland in the Potato State, do you think they really hate us or just don't care, which is the same thing.




  1. You could have turned the basement of the compound into a maritime training area for Texas youth who have an interest in being frogmen...oh, there's me being practical. You'll note that the DLC does not have a team of combat swimmers (yet).

  2. Pedo Joe was the Pope of Rome at one time?

  3. If they didn't care about us, they'd leave us alone, so I'm going with they hate us, absent any other evidence to the contrary.

    You've missed an opportunity to grow catfish in the sewage. That's what they'd do in Chi-nuh....

  4. I'm leaning on the side of hatred. The coastal elites have nothing but contempt for the rubes who occupy the fly over states.

    I am not optimistic that America can survive (if it isn't already dead.)

  5. I’m with WWW and Infidel. It’s active hatred, not indifference. I could go on about the whos and the wherefores, but you already know what I’d say.

    Sorry to hear about the flooding. ☹️

  6. X2 Mike_C…all of it. The elites do hate us, with a passion. In the reverse - for me - it’s not hatred per se…while I hate the act I work to not hate the person to avoid clogging the heart. Thing is, that aspect is getting harder to separate the two as the Self-Appointed Important People (aka cretins) run open loop over We The People (indirectly…directly wouldn’t happen), all the while getting away with proverbial murder.

    Pipe-age: Hey, at least the dbl wye fitting arrangement was there for cleanout, might have been easier with risers so you (or the plumber) didn’t have to locate and dig it out.

  7. Draft all the youth? My evil heart relishes the idea of snowflakes sweating under the sun or freezing their posteriors at Ft Leonard Wood. Just how that will square with DEI and participation trophys is hard to envision. The cadre will deserve combat pay.

    1. If it comes to a universal draft, I strongly suspect that there will be a ton of exemptions. Or assignment to nonsense or at least “safe” jobs. Negrotry, faggotry, gender-queerotry (you get the idea) will all be mitigating factors.

      The Actual Human Beings who think they own the rest of us animals-that-happen-to-speak cannot have failed to notice that the core demographic who make up the bulk of our actual warfighters are increasingly reluctant to join up. They can’t just round up Southern and Western straight, white, mostly Protestant men (not yet anyway) for several reasons. So this “universal draft” is the cover story.

      One big reason they can’t single out straight, white, Christian males is because they’d be admitting that not all people are equal, but that some are better than others. For all our political masters who tout the benefits of open borders, One World, and “we’re all the same” — how many of them have as their personal physician some person trained in say, Tunisia, or Bangladesh? I’ll betcha a buck that their own doctors are from very specific ethno/racial and educational (institutions) demographics.

  8. Sorry to hear about the water. Glad you're getting the mess cleaned up. The 'other' mess? Sigh...

  9. My condolences on the water damage, and kudos to the repair crew!

    It's hatred. Pure, unmitigated, evil hatred. The "elites" want us dead and replaced by legions of minions who do what they're told, own nothing, and worship The State. We're in for bad times, and an epic (Biblical?) Good vs Evil battle.

  10. Praise the Lord and bless the crew willing to work extra for the Lord.
    You all be safe and God bless.

  11. I am sure that the double calamity was due to you Texicans not paying enough weather tax. Let this be a lesson to y'all.

  12. DOS, we totally failed to pay the WEATHER TAX, and now look at us.

  13. Linda, such good boys! I was seriously impressed.

  14. My dear drjim, yes, they really HATE you.

  15. It's been all about plumbers and electricians this week, NFO.

    We have emerged stronger.

  16. Mike, part of the problem is that they've been driven insane by Satan and have lost the power to reason.

    So -- they bay for war but shriek for the abolition of military values.

    Just imagine how they'll be when hundreds and thousands are dying on the front. The Latte Maoist mask will slip and there we'll be.

  17. Oh my, pewster, that's the truth. Under control now, unlike, say, the Worldwide Anglican Non Communion (WANC).

  18. Paul, I'm a bit confused. Are you somehow implying you don't love our Rulers?

  19. With you, Infidel.


  20. Dammit, Wild!

    Speaking of catfish, I must get out and catch some, been lazy this year.

  21. RHSM,

    Excellent points and I'm glad you're taking them on. Yes, we need swimmers and the Compound's TANK is a ready training ground.

    Then there's the POPE, yet another psyop gone wrong. Have you heard him lately? Complaining about "faggotry in the Vatican"?

    Surely a case for a silenced .22.

    Your initiative,

