Friday, June 28, 2024

The Great Debate Disaster


Did you watch last night's debate? Peggy Noonan described it as a "total and unmitigated disaster" for Joe Biden, the "worst night for an incumbent in history":

It was in fact as consequential as any presidential debate in history, and the worst night for an incumbent in history. It was a total and unmitigated disaster for Mr. Biden. It was a rout for Mr. Trump. It wasn’t the kind of rout that says: If the election were held tomorrow Donald Trump would win. It was the kind of rout that says: If the election were held tomorrow Donald Trump would win in a landslide.


But don't take Noonan's word for it, here's a short infovid from the debate itself:

We have to ask, was this some kind of set up to replace the Senile Old Crook? Was it elder abuse? Are Biden's people traitors, secretly in the park for Trump? Because if they're not, they might as well be. What a disastrous performance, right there on live TV for all the world to see, a doddering, open mouthed, incoherent fraud of an old man. A lobotomized zombie who's obviously not fit for duty, or for much of anything at all. 

Noonan and plenty of others think the Democrats have no choice but to replace Biden. Good luck with that. Primary deadlines have passed, which means Joe has to voluntarily relinquish power. He doesn't want to do that, apparently, and looks forward to debating Trump again in September.

Yes please,



  1. I do find it interesting that the Pelosi video (admitting J6 responsibility) comes along with the fibbies admitting in court that the laptop from hell is genuine and then Ms. Bash and Mr. Tapper did actually asked somewhat substantive questions of ol' Puddin'head. It's going to be fascinating to see how the next couple of months play out. I don't think he'll be the D nominee come November but then I didn't think he'd make it to Labor Day 2021.

    Other idle thoughts...I have despised Ms. Noonan since she endorsed The One in 2008. I also noted with some glee that Chris Wallace continues to become more obscure as time goes by.

  2. I did not watch the debate but have sampled some of the talking heads today. Whatever the outcome, the winner will be decided by who counts the votes. Who will restrain them? Not the spineless loyal opposition branch of the Uniparty.

  3. From what I've seen of it, I wasn't all that impressed with Trump either. Just like all of the talk today; it's about Biden not being up for the job, but no discussion about what the GOP's plans are once they come back. Oh, Trump and Biden did agree that everything is Russia's fault; but the actual substance of any issues wasn't there at all.

  4. Fifteen minutes of it was all I could tolerate. All I got from Brandon was "liar, liar, pants on fire" when rebutting DJT and then his trade-marked blank, open-mouthed stare any time DJT was speaking. At least Brandon has never lied to the American People, according to him.

    What little I saw was sickening and the little voice in my gut is whispering "we're all screwt" because all our enemies now have an end date by which time action must commence if they are to get away with it.

  5. WSF, we have to wonder if the whole thing was a deliberate take down. I don't see how it can't have been.

    Scary on every level.

  6. Same here, NW. BUt all the Golden Golem of Greatness had to do was practice Resting Mussolini Face and come off as not utterly insane. He did achieve that.

  7. Wild, I called LL, after the intro to compare notes, watched some more, then had to take a call from a crazy person. So I got most of it post fact.

    Wow. Never seen anything like it. It's, errrr, presumably Joever.

    Just imagine those long knives being sharpened in the occluded background.

  8. DOS, I'm with you. Noonan betrayed herself, imo, and what is the WSJ but legacy elite media anyway, to put it politely.

    Still, she wasn't wrong on Joever's beyond epic, historic fail last night.

  9. Will Slo Joe even make it to November?

  10. Good question, drjim. We can but wonder.
