Sunday, June 2, 2024

Pride Month


Wow. Here it comes, again. The great corporate sponsored tsunami of gayness. Dear readers, are you ready?

It's not easy, is it, to swallow the demonic gayness.

But never fear. Do not give in to the evil rainbow hued multinational monolith that is Pink Moloch. Like mist or fog it will dissipate in the bright light of day.

Maybe add some bullets to that.

Your Old Friend,



  1. Not Pride Month on my calendar. I even stripped out "holidays" from my phone's calendar as there is certainly nothing holy about gays, lesbians, etc.

  2. I'll keep an extra close watch on all the little ones in my AO, Parson. There's not a lot of that "prideful" activity here, but I'll bet Denver will continue to be a nice place NOT to go....

  3. Punchline to a not-so-old joke: "I'm just glad I got out of the army before it became mandatory." That's the direction TPTB are trying to drag us all down to, and I refuse to be a victim.

    Veterans, our hallowed dead, the armed forces and Jesus Christ get one day each, whilst George Washington has to share his day with that dis-Honest Abe Lincoln. Something fundamentally wrong with that kinda cypher'n.

    I make an annual pilgrimage to Wyoming every year, Jim, and although it would be a lot quicker going thru Denver, I don't mind going an hour or so out of my way to avoid that pest-hole. The air is a lot cleaner, there's a lot less traffic and I get to see a lot of small-town America and small-town Americans that way. Lunch in a small-town cafe is mighty tough to beat, and I get a big kick out of stopping to read historical markers.

    1. Wyoming. As it happens, I’m in Manhattan right now on business. Earlier this evening I stepped out of the office to grab something to eat at the very busy nearby Italian bakery (which is owned by a Korean). A tallish red headed girl, probably 15 or 16, got in line behind me and said, “I’ve never seen a place like this!” The starting a conversation with a stranger thing was a dead giveaway, but she confirmed it. “I’m from Wyoming, and the biggest city I’ve ever been in was about 50,000 people.” We chatted for a bit in the glacial line for the registers. She was on a school trip. I mentioned that Wyoming sounded like a great place to live. “I’ve been there my whole life. If you aren’t into hunting or hiking, there isn’t anything to do. Maybe I could live in New York! It’s so busy here!”

      I said “It’s fun to visit the big city, but it’s super expensive to live here. I live in Boston which is much smaller, and even that’s crazy expensive and crowded.” She looked skeptical. “My dad says I should take a good look at New York while it’s still around, because everything is falling apart.”
      “I think I’d get along with your dad.”

      This girl was a rangy 5’9” and probably 115 to 120 lbs. Copper-blonde hair, blue-green eyes, and a slightly foxy Scots-Irish face. She’s going to be very pretty once the pizza-face acne clears up. I hope she goes back to Wyoming and eventually finds a good man there and they raise a passel of kids under the wide-open skies. This place is full of pretty girls from nowhere looking to find fortune and fame. A Harvey Weinstein might be survivable, but God forbid she falls into the clutches of an Epstein. Dark thoughts, I know. Sorry.

  4. Well said and well done, Anon.

  5. Thank you, drjim, it's important that we stay vigilant and all do our bit.

  6. "Veterans, our hallowed dead, the armed forces and Jesus Christ get one day each, whilst George Washington has to share his day with that dis-Honest Abe Lincoln. Something fundamentally wrong with that kinda cypher'n."

    Wild, what's going on is revolting to me, and we have to wonder when they'll trigger the claymore.

    Speaking of conscription, do you think Europe's really up to semi-mobilizing, Cold War style, against the, ahem, Russian threat?

    I say ahem, but hey, apart from Poland, is there anything approaching a combat ready Euro army, much less an industrial munitions base? For that matter, how long would it take us to ship III Corps et al to Germany if the Russkies decided to roll?

    We can imagine several battle hardened Russian battle groups doing a repeat of Bagration, and what would stop them. US airpower, perhaps. Failing that they'd ban Pride marches and trans surgery in the EU while promoting the Church. What. A. Disaster.

    Just a rambling series of vaguely connected thoughts.

  7. Ah, Mike.

    I remember, back in 2009 (!), dear Lord, how time's sped past, visiting a friend on the Island. What a lot of fun, though she was MOMO to my Frick. Ahem. Still, all was good and I had plenty of time off from the appalling MOMO while she sold hideous pictures to bizarrely wealthy in the name of art.

    So there I was on Times Square, fixing to get a cheeseburger in that place where some guy was chopped up the other day, when I saw a young woman, perfectly put together. I was half-larping as an English country gent (are you saying you're not? Ed.) and she equivalent NYC. We smiled in good humour, and off we went. I loved that moment.

    Good luck to your girl. I tell you, you'd have to pay me a whole lotta ca$h to live in Manhattan, or even Boston.

    I tell you, things might well get nasty, in which case cities aren't such good places to live.

  8. Mike, forgive redundant *I tell yous
