Monday, May 27, 2024

Gaza Pier



Do you remember the Gaza pier which the US built with your money to deliver humanitarian aid to genocidal jihad Hamas supporters? Sure you do, we all do, and now look at it, floundering and sinking on a beach. But hey, it only cost several hundred millions. I like the inimitable Armchair Warlord's analysis:

Do you know what's actually the most outrageous part of the whole Gaza pier operation?  In a week they'd only delivered a thousand tons of cargo with it!

That's equivalent to ONE load that ONE of the Army LSVs on site could have simply delivered over the beach.

During my previous career I found that on many occasions doing things the "hard way" was actually the easiest way to get something accomplished, because we weren't spinning our wheels and wasting time and effort trying to figure out some "easy" way to do it.  In this case simply delivering humanitarian aid over the beach via landing craft would have been far easier and far less complicated than building and delivering this Rube Goldberg-esque pier through the surf.  I suspect this option was in fact chosen because it could deliver cargo without American service members having to physically walk around on the beach, thus satisfying Biden's "no boots on the ground" directive via the threadbare technicality that the American boots are actually on a floating pier a hundred meters offshore.


And there you have it. What a waste of $320MN virtue-signalling cash. But hey, interest on the national debt's only about $1TN every hundred days, so what's a few million? 




  1. Reports are the little aid that was delivered was looted en route to whatever intended distribution point.

  2. What WSF said, I heard as well. Our tax dollars at work .

  3. They forgot the lessons from Normandy. You have to sink a bunch of concrete filled ships to serve as a breakwater if you want your pier to survive.

  4. Yeah, but 'somebody' got a lot of $$$ for that POS...

  5. Does that $320-Mil include 10% for the Big Guy or is that before taxes?

  6. I have a piece on the pier on VM tomorrow. Were we deliberately stupid or surprised?

  7. Wild, I'm sure the Big Guy doesn't operate at a loss.

  8. It's quite the legacy, eh, Frederick?

  9. Ain't that the truth, NFO.

  10. Now that, Mr. Pewster, is a very good point.

  11. Look, DOS, give the Government MOAR money. Or go to a camp. Your call.

  12. It's all very mysterious, WSF.
