Monday, April 1, 2024

Never Trust A Hippy


I rest my case, m'Lud,



  1. note fast playn' grifting. Yes, hippy.

  2. Oh, I get it. April Fool's joke, right?

    Hey, Stephen, you schmuck, you know so much about Viet Nam, I got a joke for ya. How many Viet Nam veterans does it take to screw in a light bulb?

    How the EFF would you know, you weren't there!

    (Joke works better if you kinda lunge toward your target and let a little spittle fly whilst shouting the punch line)

    Sorry, fifty years and change now people don't know shit about Viet Nam wanna tell me all about it and sometimes it wears a little thin.

  3. Sorry about the outburst, Parson. Not directed toward you.

  4. Wild, your rant's entirely justified.

    Hey, I like the song but... what a dam hippy.

  5. Yeah they are, LL.

    They don't wash, either.

  6. The problem is the hippy's - who hated/questioned authority - are now TPTB, and they have no clue what they are doing. Case in point: Altho can't really ascribe hippydom to Weird Cousin Petey Boot-Edge-Edge, he's a perfect example of someone who couldn't fill a pothole in his town yet becomes TransPoSec. Yeah, that's gonna work out well for We The People. This is also why they hate Trump...he does know what he's doing.

  7. I'd wager the fighting monkey on it, Paul. Well said.

  8. PS. Wild -- I know it's infuriating because... it is. But snappy guitar work, eh?
