Monday, April 1, 2024

April Fools

Satan, notoriously, takes Easter Monday off (no he doesn't, Ed.) Sorry! Unlike Satan, we're taking a day off here at the Compound, which involves dry white wine, a beef rib for the dog and a curry in progress. Let's see how this simple recipe works out.

In other news, Scotland's gone full Rainbow Stasi and it's now a jailable offence to misgender a tranny. Like no kidding, you can do hard time in Scotland for that kind of egregious hate speech. Mispronoun some blasphemous parody of a man? Sorry, hater, you're going to jail, in Scotland. Maybe for seven years.

Quite right too. That's why we're encouraging you to report hate crime against trannies by filling in this form and sending it to Police Scotland. Don't be shy, fill it in and send. You can also call +44 999 or 101. April fools? No, this is real.

In Scotland,



  1. Almost makes me want to go out and buy Harry Potter books.

    God give her the strength to keep on going.

  2. Pinochet Air.
    One way Fare.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. First they came for the trade unionists,
    and I said nothing, because I wasn't a trade unionist.

    Then they came for the Gypsies,
    and I said nothing, because I wasn't a Gypsy.

    Then they came for the communists,
    and I said nothing, because I was busy refueling the helicopter.

    -Dr. Swankenstein

  5. I said this elsewhere, but I’m going to quote myself.

    If some loon accuses you of “misgendering” him, don’t argue. (And of course don’t apologize.) Smirk and say, “Oh. Did I do that? I can’t help it. I’m Gender Dyslexic. It’s a terrible disability. I could use some support and affirmation instead of your intolerant hostility.”

    Remember kids, you can always opt to be the bigger … victim.

  6. She's an awkard phenom, Wild, and loaded, so I think she'll be pretty much untouchable. Who knows, maybe JKR will help to expose this idiocy.

    FFS, someone's got to.

  7. Yes, Herr Doktor!

    Fire up that chopper.

  8. What an excellent quote, Mike! I might have to post it.
