Saturday, March 9, 2024

Tucker Rips Biden's State Of The Union


Did you watch the ranting, deranged Old Crook speak the other night? I won't comment, Tucker says it all, crazy talk. You'll note, in passing, the Democrats baying for war while Mike Johnson nods in agreement. 

There will be a reckoning,



  1. I did not watch The Rant of the Union as I have read too much H.P. Lovecraft and know that listening to the insane ramblings of extremely crazy people can lead to insanity itself and possibly the ascendency of The Old Ones.

    So, no. And commentary confirmed that Poopypants did not exceed what I expected, due to very low expectations of gravitas and sanity. Sadly.

    Really wonder what cocktail of uppers and stabilizers they injected him with? And how much his life was shortened by that cocktail.

  2. Lord High Executioner Beans asks: Really wonder what cocktail of uppers and stabilizers they injected him with? And how much his life was shortened by that cocktail. I respond - It wasn't shortened nearly enough.

  3. There's a fine line between being jacked up and croaking. Biden must have good doctors...

  4. A. I want what he's having-just a taste.
    B. Didn't watch or listen, need all the little brain things.
    C. Don't listen to them talk, watch their hands. By their
    works shall you know them.

  5. I'm amazed he hasn't blown a gasket on live TV. Of course, maybe he has and an actor - ala "Dave" - is doing the fill in...more here than meets the jaundiced discernment eye. We are being played bigly.

  6. Me and the Missus were betting that his handlers gave him something, since it was way past his bedtime! Sure enough, he comes into the chamber, starts greeting folks, with a crazy, wide-eyed look. It wouldn't be the first time a President has been doctored with Columbian powdered sugar! (I've heard it was popular with FDR.) It would go a way toward explaining his angry tone for the whole night.

  7. Ah Reckoning. One of favorite Dead albums!

  8. He was high on 'something'... The question is, what?

  9. Beans, what a demented Old Crook. Has there been a more demented Old Crook in the White House?

  10. LL, I totally agree, and note Beans' Cthulhu point. Good call.

  11. I'd be very careful on Pt. A, Ritchie. Who knows what's in that stuff...

  12. Paul, I'd say pretty much anything's possible at this point.

  13. Welcome back, Matexxian! And yes, maybe that and who knows what else.

  14. What a great album, Infidel! Right up there.

  15. Exactly, NFO, and how long can they keep running him that way?
