Sunday, March 17, 2024

St. Patrick's Day


Happy St. Patrick's Day, you lot, and you'll note the Rainbow Uniparty which rules formerly Great Britain hasn't dared, yet, to disband the Brigade of Guards. But I won't bang on. Happy St. Patrick's Day. And if Kate's still alive, and all the world hopes she is, let's give her Canada. Like... yesterday.

By the Left,



  1. This is a long comment … redact or delete as necessary LSP… The first two paragraphs are Thomas Cahill’s - the essence of the real Patrick. The last comment is mine.

    The ancient Irish were “an illiterate, aristocratic, semi-nomadic, Iron Age warrior culture, its wealth based on animal husbandry and slavery...” The Irish were also largely untouched by the culture of the remainder of Europe until Patrick’s arrival: this was due to their island nation status and the fact that they were so fierce that no one wanted to be involved with them.

    So Patrick returns to the very people who enslaved him, as one who is calm and sober when in the presence of those who are ruled by anger, fear and chaos. Fierce chieftains willingly accepted Christ when presented with Patrick’s example.

    Perhaps Patrick can be an example for all of us ornery people who, regardless of our ethnic backgrounds, can be like the ancient Irish. I know I am given hope when Patrick reminds us that Christ can find a use for ornery dudes like me.

  2. Why haven't they gone to rainbow tunics?

  3. Excellent comment, Seamus.

    The saint must have had remarkable and miraculous presence. Of course he was fiercely ascetic.

    God bless.

  4. Everyone's asking that here at the Mess, LL.

    Yet another reason for those FASCISTS to be disbanded, like the rest of UKLF.

  5. Kate can handle two things at a time. She's a mother after all.
    LL, to answer your question, the Irish Guards aren't a bunch of faggots. The clue is in the word 'Irish'.

  6. Yes, Mr. Bad Frog.



    About time Justine was reined in, eh?
