Saturday, February 3, 2024

Space Aliens


Imagine you were in this nightmare world, a country controlled by space aliens who had the moral compass of insects, who saw you as an object, pure and simple, to be used to sate their voracious appetites. A terrifying vision.

Stupid farmer, pay your carbon tax and die

Now imagine further that these aliens, let us call them Mantids, have taken control of the Church, the Schools, the Media and Government, our Finance too. Such is the subtlety of their off-world tech, and you, the human, are their prey to be experimented and fed upon. Yes, fed upon, even as they drive you from your farms into the insect vats. You see, they want the land for themselves.

Mantids and a Grey

A terrifying vision indeed and we must thank Gaia we haven't been taken over by predatory, psychotic Mantids, and that everything's OK. Government, Schools, Media, Finance, all of that, is working benignly in your favor, sacrificially, to benefit you. Everything's just fine.

Archbishop Justsin Welby

You see?




  1. Uhmm, just what was growing in that lot before being covered in gravel?

  2. What I have noticed over the last 10 years is the.division…
    I used to be ok with all but the extreme 10% on each end - that’s 80% of folks who I could be in communion with. Now it is about 20% I can handle and the rest are literally brainwashed.
    I have seen what must be demonic oppression upon many young people. I had a seminary professor who would refer students to counseling if they brought up “demonic oppression”. That was 30 years ago and now the students may be convinced that aliens are afoot.
    It may be both. Huge shift in the past ten years. Thanks for letting me rant!

  3. We can but keep praying God's will be done.

    You all be safe and God bless.

  4. Well... if, instead of aliens you substitute demonic possession and devil worship and, yeah, I'd go with that.

    Seriously, demonic possession and devil worship/selling one's soul to the devil is as scientifically valid as space aliens.

    Though "They Live" has got to be one of the best alien invasion movies ever.

  5. x2 @Seamus…we are witnessing the willful destruction of our society and culture at the hands of a narcissistic few who believe they are entitled to rule over those they’ve deemed “their subjects”. King George all over agin. Funny how that occurs in cycles. I can not attribute this entirely to weakness in the pulpit, there is more spiritual warfare at play here that have captured the minds of far too many people, who I suspect, don’t even realize it.

  6. Aliens or demons: "You say po-tay-toe, I say pa-tah-toe" etc.

    Let's call the whole thing awful.

  7. Yeah, not so much... But that water in the pot IS getting hotter and hotter...

  8. Seamus, rant on and right with you.

    Stand firm for the Faith and do not give up, ever.

    You'll note I'm preaching to myself.

  9. Beans, it seems to me that demonic force is ascendant, right about now. It's hallmark? Destruction/Nihilism.

    "They build, we destroy," said the Levantine satanist in Williams' War in Heaven.

    True, eh? But with that, failure. In fact, driving out.

  10. I don't disagree with that for a second, Wild.

    Speaking of accents, when I visit London they think my accent somehow Massachusetts.

    That's a dam error.

  11. Metaphor! I must be the last to catch your drift and wasn't sure if you were being literal about the greys... Cool. Then ditto this and these comments. Yikes!

  12. Heh, Gen-X, it's a scary world out there.
