Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Let's Get This Back


Are you fed up with rubbish, banal liturgical music that signally fails to lift heart, mind and soul to God? I am, and recommend the Missa de Angelis by way of solution:

Word to the wise, deploying the above will brand you as a dangerous domestic extremist. Go on, just ask the FBI.

Sing on,



  1. Can liturgical music be enjoyed for itself in church without the presence of fat lesbians dancing to it in an interpretation thereof for the benefit of the congregation? Many churches say, no. You must have fat lesbians wearing comfortable shoes doing their thing.

  2. Wait. That's not that dopey Hillsong/Bethel 7/11 music? Seven words repeated 11 times. With some gym rat "worship leader" in muscle shirt on a stage with strip club lighting and a mindless audience waving hands like the French Army in 1940?

  3. Good church music is a blessing. If it makes me an extremist, well, so be it. Line drawn in sand. They can take the music out of my laptop over my cold dead body.

    And then there's the other "Kyrie Elieson," the one by Mister-Mister. Excellent song. Loved and love singing that one around all the witchy-twitchy people in my town as they didn't understand it at all (you know, the same ones that don't understand "Via con Dios" means "Go with God.")

  4. I've heard this so many times in the last 78 years, I immediately started singing along. Nothin better!

  5. I was singing along too, Adrienne. The Missa de Angelis is one of the best.

  6. I'd forgotten the Mister Mister version, Beans. Good call.

  7. Dammit, Anon, you caught me out. I guess there's praise bands and there's... praise bands.

  8. LL, you've inspired me to post something on that best of dances, liturgical dance.

  9. Lord thank you. I love the Kyrie, Sanctus, Agnes Dei. Our parish choir does an amazing job with the Sacred music. We even have little kids singing in Latin. Our men’s Schola sings polyphony. I even used to sing the Credo when I was still working. the music of the Traditional church is beautiful.
    Southern NH

  10. I was hoping to inspire somebody...

    Though I've always thought that the purpose of my life was to serve as a warning to good people.

  11. Those gents can sing. A lovely selection LSP during this Lent!

  12. Thanks, DOS, what good Mass music!

  13. "Rubbish, banal liturgical music"?

    Oh sure LSP. Next you'll come out against felt banners, churches in the round and liturgical dance!

    Shame on you! You dangerous extremist!
