Friday, February 2, 2024

I'm Confused And May They Rest In Peace


Well duh, LSP, we know you're confused, but hear me out. Why are Army Reserve soldiers being deployed to far-flung corners of the American Empire, like Tower 22 on the Jordanian/Syrian DMZ? Shouldn't that be a job for regular++ troops, and why are we in Syria anyway? 

Serious and perplexing questions. Regardless, three reservists lost their lives in a drone attack on Sunday and many more were injured. According to

The soldiers who lost their lives were Sgt. William Rivers, 46; Spc. Kennedy Sanders, 24; and Spc. Breonna Moffett, 23. They were assigned to the 718 Engineer Company, an Army Reserve unit based out of Fort Moore, Georgia, according to Sabrina Singh, a Pentagon spokeswoman, who briefed reporters on the incident Monday.


Fort Moore is in fact Fort Benning, and despite the stultifyingly boring DEI name change POCs are getting killed in the Middle East; for what noble and imperative cause were their lives lost? I don't get it, I'm confused, perhaps you can help me and their families out.

On topic, why have we been in a constant state of war, whether indirect or direct, since the most popular president in the history of history was anointed to power. I mean to say, aren't Democrats the Rainbow Party of Peace?

Again, this is confusing. The evil Nazi Orange Man was going to plunge us into deranged wars and yet... and yet... here we are getting into it with B1s against the existential threat to our freedom which is Iran. 

Let's pray those aircrews make it home safe, unlike the poor soldiers who died in Jordan. Pray too that our enemies are too stupid to think they could cross our southern border with impunity. In the meanwhile, may Sgt. Rivers, Spc. Sanders and Spc. Moffett rest in peace and rise in glory.




  1. “Why are Army Reserve soldiers being deployed to far-flung corners of the American Empire […] and why are we in Syria anyway?”

    That’s rhetorical, right?
    Further Noticing, I mean hate speech, redacted.

  2. Dammit, Mike, now I to report myself, again, immediately.

  3. *I have to

    obvs, must hire more and better copy editors.

  4. Reserves, Guard are just bodies to be used, no? What next, high school ROTC?

  5. Kyrie eleison, WSF.

    It disgusts me, and I'm being polite.

  6. Well, you know what Gaston Glock said about his pistols, yes?

    "Plastic, throwaway pistols for plastic, throwaway soldiers."

    Nothing to see here, just move along.

    As far as Fort Benning, whilst I have great respect for Hal Moore, it will always be Fort Benning as far as I'm concerned. Fort Novosel, that's a little more complicated for me, what a stud he was, MOH and all, flew B-29's in WWII and chopped himself down to Warrant Orificer status to fly Huey's in Viet Nam, even rescued his own son once, but how does one morph Mother Rucker into Mother Novosel? Difficult, at best.

  7. Cannon fodder.

    Will President Trump creat Fort Heidt and Fort Lambert as bastions along the US Border with Mexico for our service with the DLC? I should hope so. I've always wanted an official fort named after me rather than a camp, a building or a latrine. I'd accept a warship. Maybe a submarine?

  8. Crusty Old TV Tech here. These Newspeak Army post names, can't keep up with the PC mess. At least they renamed Ft Benning for a real man, Col. Hal Moore. battle of Ia Drang and all that, a real leader.

    But I'm pretty sure he might have not been pleased with the idea himself. LSP, I suspect you know this, but just in door in Louisiana, they renamed the Army post in Leesville. It was named for Right Reverend Leonidas Polk, first Episcopal Bishop of the Diocese of Louisiana. So, I guess being an Episcopal Bishop was not good enough for the DIE crowd, eh? New York born Sgt Johnson may very well have been an exemplary soldier, but worthy of having an Army post in Louisiana named after him?

    Why are the politicos not sending THEIR kin to the fight, if it is in the national interest?

  9. Right on, Wild, mind you, I enjoy my Glock :)

    Respect to Moore, for sure, and Novosel. Wow, remarkable.

  10. I like this idea, LL, a series of border forts named after... us! And yes, the DLC deserves that kind of recognition.

    A submarine, hmmmm. The USS Lambert. I can see that, powered by a compact reactor.

  11. Ah, Tech. Polk was quite the hero.

    Imagine them trying to pull this risible virtue signalling name change garbage a few decades ago, there would have been an uproar. As it is, no one much cares, which shows the exercise up for the nonsense PR boosting it is.

    How many POCs have benefited from the name changes? Are any richer, better educated, happier in themselves now that Confederate generals no longer give their names to our posts? No, on the contrary, everything's the same except that recruitment's way down.

    Go figure.

  12. During the Global War of Terror, after 9/11, my nephew sat on his arse for 4 years as part of an AF construction gang. The active-duty service had no money to do anything.

    He gets out, joins the FL Nat Guard, and gets deployed 4 times in 3 years.

    It is the way of the 'modern' military. The powers-that-be 'save' the regulars for 'big' wars...
