Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Well Done Team


Here's the thing, an old wooden house needs looking after or it falls apart and doesn't work, not unlike a gun. That in mind, the front porch of the Compound needed fixing and that's exactly what happened, Salvatore turned up, pencil behind ear and made it happen.

First off, get rid of the old wood and reinforce the beams that undergird the Compound. Next up? Shore up a pillar and replace the old deck with tongue and groove. Then paint the thing, and so they did.

Well done, boys, looks good. Quite unlike the hideous New World order envisaged by our Elite Billionaire Overlords.




  1. Superb job! And that’s some nice looking southern yellow pine TnG (looks like it from here). That’ll hold up well for decades. Major h/t.

  2. Right on, Paul, I'm happy about it!

  3. It looks like you have an army of skilled people willing to turn to at the drop of a hat. They'd find a rewarding career in the DLC.

  4. A nice job indeed! With the pictures supplied looks like a very professional job. I sure miss my Southern porched homes I had. Nothing like lazing an afternoon away with a glass of sweet tea and a good book.

  5. I. Am. So. Jealous! I'm spent the past few days planning on my deck "renewal" with Behr Advanced DeckOver. It will be a whole lot of work, but I'm hoping to get at least three years out of it. The stuff is pretty cool. It's intended for super old beat up decks like ours.
