Monday, January 1, 2024

Space Force Skulduggery


Space, the final frontier of war, a vital component in full-dimensional, cross-spectrum supremacy, so thank Rods from God we've got a Space Force. Now, you probably see the Space Force as looking like this except with non-reflective black armor, which is invisible in space:

No, wrong. It looks like this, like Lt. Col. Bree call-sign "Tranny" Fram. Force Lethal or what:

After you've gotten over the weird and unpleasant uniform, note that Bree's on record as saying, "Inclusion is a national security imperative." Of course it is, because if we don't have brigades of trannies in the Space Force all those ChiCom and Russkie satellites won't die laughing.

Dear God, Kyrie Eleison, we've come to this, a blasphemous parody of a woman claiming transing's a key element of our national defense. Take note, Mr. Putin, you'd better start mobilizing the trannies if you're going to even think about taking out Ukraine and NATO. 

random Hollow earth ad

Wow, this is almost as absurd as the stupid old lie, "Trump's a Kremlin agent!" or "unless you wear a mask you're going to die of COVID! and kill me too!" Could it be that the Russkies, forever cunning in the dark arts of espionage and subterfuge, have infiltrated our beloved Space Force and are even now funding and boosting the trans green movement in hopes of irreparably weakening the West? 

A real Space War, let the reader understand

You know, as in "you've got no more industry or energy and all your soldiers, what few you have, are gender dysmorphic, so give us the Arctic or we'll mispronoun you. A lot. Until you surrender and cry in the battalion counselor's office."

I say again, 2024's shaping up for weird and bad craziness.

Your Most Inclusive Pal,



  1. What? More optimism? I do like the tailoring of the jacket.

  2. WSF, who thought that uniform up? Maybe it's a special national defense deadly uniform.

    Dear Lord, Putin, Xi and the, errr, Houthis have got to be laughing. This is absurd.

  3. I think the whole Star Trek thing has gone too far with our Space Force....

  4. What drjim said, the Space Force uniform does look based upon the 2nd on Star Trek movie uniforms.

    Could have been worse, could have gone with the unitard of "Star Trek: The Motion Picture."

  5. Crusty Old TV Tech here. Gen Schreiver has achieved escape velocity in his grave, surely, over this whole Space Farce thing. Gen Lemay did long ago with the excision of SAC from his beloved USAF. This old TV Tech guy once upon a time earned those Space Wings, back when they meant something, like the "Pocket Rocket" Missile Ops Badge. Makes me almost want to throw them back, except my wings look like wings, not like some Ferengi abomination. A pox on those pretender wannabe Buck Rogers (or is it Buckettes?)!

    Now, if they'd gone in for the original Battlestar Galactica look, complete with fumarellos and Vipers...

  6. Oh my, Beans, imagine the unitard on those... persyns. Nasty, eh?

  7. Ah, Tech, I sympathize.

    Of course in my case they didn't pervert the units, they just abolished them. Bye-bye, county regiments. Outbloodyrageous. And just at the moment they're baying for war, idiots.

    Speaking of Battlestar, I thought the rerun was pretty dam good, despite weak uniforms and a weaker ending, but still.
