Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Say Hello To Your Next President


Think things are bad with the Old Crook in charge?

Think again, punters.

This is barreling down the pike, right at you. 

So what are you gonna do when zhe gets anointed by Trans Green Carbon Tax Power to become our new Beloved President? There is but one answer, serfs, rejoice.



  1. Like the US Flag, I will not bend nor bow before any earthly potentate. Including the salt monster creature from Star Trek.


    Not saying that if that happens it's on like donkey kong, but... well... I only have a few more years to live anyways.

    I think that THEY installed the Dementia-in-Chief to make things so bad that THEY can then offer the Moochsquatch as a 'gentle' replacement just like the Baron Harkonnen first installed Rabun the Butcher as head of Dune before offering Feyd-Rautha as a 'gentle' replacement.

    I originally thought they were going to do this with Hillary then the Moochzilla, but since Trump stomped her into the ground (showing up at the 2nd debate with 4 of Bill's victims was priceless) they had to wait 4 years. Meanwhile the Moocholini still is in the news, getting positive press for just breathing.

  2. Meet the new boss.
    Same as the old boss.

    Or, to quote the great American political scientist Bill Murray, "It's Groundhog Day. Again."

    Sorry. I'm a little off my feed. Cindy Morgan has passed. You know, the great American actress who played Lacy Underalls in Caddyshack? Flag at half-mast people, show some respect.

  3. Big Mike won't break the "glass ceiling" when installed as the Leader of the Free World. I'm sure that he'll still want to read stories to small children the same as other trannies love to do.

  4. Watch yourself there LSP, you don't want to end up like Joan Rivers or the Obama's late chef. We would miss you terribly!

  5. There it is, Beans, the great Michelle.

    Just think, our media adores it, LBJ's plantation votes for it, 3 letter agencies boost it, suburban housewives (!) vote for it and boom, our first WOMAN OF COLOR PRESIDENT.

    Kyrie Eleison springs to mind.

  6. Wild, forgive this insensitive post.


  7. Perhaps, LL, Mike will take solace with Claude? Just a thought.

  8. Yes, DOS. Every gun is a loaded gun.

  9. Hi LSP,
    All I will say is.. that your attempt at "Stand up Comedy" is a triffel lacking...
    I think you forgot someone.... The Hildabeast...... would "86" her in a heart beat... after her losing to Big Don and now to get aced out by Mikey??????????????????????
    Go back and regroup... remember Hildabeast's score is +57 after Victor Foxtrot.... (You know who i mean) and Mikey would be her latest "Multi round suicide in recorded history..."
    Think I'll have a fresh Jim Beam n' coke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Audentes, Fortuna, Iuvat....!!!,
    PS go check out www.sipseystreetirregulars.blogsot.com and go back to Mike Vanderboegh's beginnng and read it!!!! and check out his story about "Aunt Jenny" there are still people like that on this piece of dirt!!!!!!! Read up and give me a "full report!!"

  10. Mr. skybill,

    Can you imagine the full horror of a Hildebeast ascension? Picture, if you can, and I know you can, the sheer entitled smuggery. How revolting.

    Must check out Sipsey, been a while.

  11. Gah! Cankles the Klown! NOOOOOOO!!!!!

    As to Kyrie Elieson, it may be time to do our very own Albigensian Crusade against the Godless Masses. Let the pro-Pinochet Helicopters do what Pinochet helicopters do best!
