Thursday, January 11, 2024

Lest We Forget


Via Kevin Bass:

Just two years ago, 30% of Democrats believed that children should be taken away from unvaccinated parents.

Nearly 50% of Democrats believed that the unvaccinated should be sent to camps.

These are not tolerant, kind people.

This is what a totalitarian ideology looks like.


Doesn't it just.




  1. We have the guns and ammo. They can't decide which restroom to use. I can predict the outcome...without the gift of prophecy.

  2. Odds on, RHSM, and I'm with you.

  3. Sheep who self identify as goats. Still sheep.

  4. As LL says "We have the guns and ammo" and that works if an individual or their family is directly attacked. The problem lies in how to utilize those guns when there is no direct attack. Quite the slippery slope that I hope we will never have to go down.

  5. Ditto to LL.

    Just because we have been patient doesn't mean the fuse isn't close to being ignited...after that happens all bets are off. God help them.
