Thursday, January 4, 2024

Another One Bites The DEI Dust

Just when you were thinking Dumb, Evil, Idiot (DEI) couldn't sink any lower, another one bites the dust. This time it's Philly's DEI Officer, Leslie Marant, via Zero:

Thanks to help from Harvard's Claudine Gay, who was unable to condemn harassment on her campus against Jewish students and was later found to have plagiarized <checks notes...> what appears to be her entire body of academic work, it looks as though the diversity, equity and inclusion ("DEI") wolf in sheep's clothing is finally starting to be seen for what it is. 

That reverberation may have made its way to Philadelphia, where the crime and drug-ridden city is once again attempting to make a swift change back to law and order under newly-sworn in mayor Cherelle Parker, widely acknowledged to be the most pro-police candidate out of the Democratic choices in the city. 

And just hours before Parker was sworn into office, the Philadelphia Police Department’s first diversity, equity, and inclusion officer, Leslie Marant, was fired, according to a report by the Philadelphia Inquirer. Almost as if when your hellscape of a city needs more police desperately, it doesn't matter what color, race, creed or orientation they are. Go figure.


Leslie's radical socialist salary was a mere 170K+. I guess that makes zhir a low-level satrap.




  1. Perhaps we are ever so slowly moving towards MLKjr's dream.

  2. $170+K/year may keep her going many years because of a generous severance package??

  3. What WSF said.

    I had to look up the new mayor to make sure if the photo was her or the DEI gauleiter. I should have guessed from the haircut and facial expression.

  4. This video in this article shows a very male countenance. Is this yet another he masquerading as a she? Geez, getting jiggy out there, can’t tell the plugs from the receptacles by the faceplates anymore.

  5. God is moving.

    You all be safe and God bless.

  6. What an excellent infovid, Paul.

    You'd almost think, ahem, POC, US cities weren't capable of running themselves.

    Let's see how that works out in Europe. They have, I believe, a history of pogroms.

  7. DOS, bow to your new racial rulers and their trillionaire sponsors.

  8. RHSM, I'm sure zhe'll get zhirself promoted up.

  9. Now that, WSF, is a very good point.
