Friday, December 22, 2023

Wymxn And Guns


Many wymxn are against guns because so violent. Get rid of gunz, they argue, and no one will shoot anyone because no gunz. Hey, it's not a bad argument, and wymxn use it all the time. 

Ban guns and there'll be less of them around, the wymxn say, and welcome to the new green rainbow gunless utopia! Unless, of course you're a criminal, in which case you've got a couple of Ukrainian AKs, an NLAW and far moar besides.

Old but Gold

That in mind, flash back to Ludlow October '22, where my friend, what a good woman, was not only against firearms but lamented the lack of police in her tiny little hamlet. No cops for miles around, no budget for that, and thank Gaia, no guns either.

"But tell me," quizzed the Colonel of the Dallas Light Cavalry (Irreg.), "What happens when some roughs out of Birmingham turn up at your door stop with a baseball bat, will you call the cops who won't be there? Yet another argument for the Second Amendment." Quite.

She frowned, stoically, and didn't press the point, being a gentlewoman, and neither did I, but let's be honest, slaves can't defend themselves and free-men can. True, eh?

Ludlow observation aside, and what a lovely town it is, things could get right rough in the next few years, if you can bear to do the math and face reality however grim. That in mind, smart people are taking note and planning accordingly. Don't say ammo and precious metal, and DOGE$, obvs.

Your Old Pal,



  1. It's scary that THEY (the anti-gun, anti-free speech sheeple) don't, or refuse to, understand that the Bill of Rights delineates our rights that are above the government.

    I have found that no amount of explaining, charting, sentence graphing, learned debate works to get any sense near or into their senseless heads.

    Sadly, all too often THEY learn the Truth after it rapes or robs or kills or stabs or damages or loads THEM into cattle cars.

    Apropos. The number of guns supposedly in the US? Try multiplying that at least by 1.5, maybe 2. Behind every blade of grass, dontcha know.

  2. Well yes indeed, Beans, and maybe that gives them pause.

  3. Gosh that photo looks familiar. As the saying goes (speaking for myself) "Just because I'm old doesn't mean you're out of range".

    “Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it.”
    ― George Bernard Shaw

  4. For that group, either by brain chemistry, defect in how their brainz were wired, or ed-u-ma-cay-shun/indoctrination, their feelz-ings trump logic and reality not to mention all of recorded history. I get it. I want to live in a safe and sane world too. But that ain't the one we was issued......

    The Gods of the Copybook Headings will have a word with them eventually.

  5. Brings to mind, "If wishing doesn't work, try working". The world they wish for may, for a few, work. For the rest of us, the old Gospel Song, "Further Along", is reality.

  6. RHT, what a fun shoot! I was especially amazed at your Trap outshooting modern optics at 200 yards... Big fun.

  7. Ain't that the truth, Wild.

    The lion will indeed lie down with the lamb in that peace which passeth all understanding. In the meanwhile? Let's not forget the axiom: Everything the Left does produces the exact opposite of its intended result.

  8. It's a sweet vision, WSF, a beautiful world of perfect people. At the risk of being obnoxious, it's also a heresy, Pelagianism (we can perfect ourselves, coined by a British monk in the dark aftermath of the fall of the Western Imperial power).

    I fear things are going to get rougher, a reflection of the past, if you like. History rhyming.
