Saturday, December 23, 2023

Cologne Firefight


Could it be that we've mentally blocked the prospect of war, industrial scale war, from our collective unconscious? You know why, too horrible to behold. That in mind, why is England, with its mighty 150, snerk, tank fleet baying for war against Russia? Why, for that matter, is anyone. 

Surely it doesn't have to do with money. In the meanwhile, it looks like the Russkie's aren't going to fold anytime soon, which is weird because we were going to take Donbass, Crimea and Moscow by the end of the summer.

Of course I know nothing, but I do know this: Viz. Napoleon and Hitler failed. Do you think we'd be any different? Well, sure, we are different. We're LGBTQAI+, which makes us so much moar force lethal.




  1. If I remember my history lessons, the only country to successfully invade Russia was Poland.

  2. Something like that, WSF. Good luck, Lvov, and let's not forget the Volyn massacre.

  3. And Russia was going to take Kiev and reach the western border by Fall, 2022.

    Both sides are hopelessly mired in false promises, overachievements, massive deaths and losses of front-line equipment and false reporting.

    Nobody wins.

    Everybody loses.

    A short, victorious war that has turned into the complete opposite.

  4. With apologies to Mr. Kipling, but I think he might approve.

    When you're wounded and left on the Ukranian plains,
    And the babushkas come out to cut up what remains,
    Jest roll to your M4 and blow out your brainz
    An' praise the rich men north of Richmond who got you into this quagmire.

  5. ...and in despair, I bowed my head, "there is no peace on Earth," I said...etc.

  6. I'm inclined to agree, Beans, though to be fair I'm no expert. But it does seem to me as though both sides came at this operation left-footed.

    Putin appears to have thought that Zelensky would fold last March and there may be some truth in that. Then Bojo flew into Kiev and firmed up our proxy, Vladimirovic's raid failed, he underestimated the resolve of the power against him. Then we did the very same thing, apparently, witness the UKR/NATO counteroffensive.

    As you say, false promises, overachievements and massive deaths. I won't bang on, what a hideous tragedy.

    That in mind, and per post, the West, such as it is, might want to look into onshoring industrial capacity.

  7. Wild, I'd say you're right on. Mr. LL, a Kipling scholar, might agree.

  8. What a bloody mess, LL. But hey, we've always got Kwanzaa, so cheer up!
