Sunday, November 5, 2023

Off To The Land Of The Ice And Snow


The land of the ice and snow, aka Canada, which means getting up at an unearthly hour tomorrow and venturing forth to DFW and the joy of modern air travel. What will Alberta be like? Will you still be able to pay with cash, will there be giant billboards of Justine Trudeau staring down at you from Orwellian rainbow hoardings?

A typical Albertan house

Who knows, and this mission's all about reconnaissance, it's a recce patrol. And I tell you, it's been a few years since I've been there, not since the deadliest plague to lockdown humanity in the history of deadliest plagues. That's passed over now, leaving 99.9% of the populace alive, so let's see what's left of Calgary, Alberta, in the aftermath of the horror.

My feeling is that the Ranchmen's Club still stands. Regardless, see you on the other side.




  1. Fair winds, and a following snowstorm heh-heh.

    I could live in that cabin. In perpetuity. Except it would be a short stay, because Mrs. would shoot me. There is, after all, a drawback to every system.

  2. Fair winds and following seas as you navigate the land of Cannuckistan.

    My best to MRSLONESTARPARSON and the young one.

  3. Of the midnight sun where the hot springs flow...

    I too could live in that cabin with the Mrs. protesting - I might build a small one in my backyard and call it a chapel

    Honey - I'm out here doing the Lord's work!

    Have fun LSP

  4. Might need to pick up a Canada Goose Expedition parka while you're up in our "attic". Enjoy, and safe travels.

  5. Thanks, WSF, all good. I like Calgary, pricey though.

  6. I totally get that, Wild.

    What a neat cabin!

  7. Wish I was, Anon. Just visiting family. (we're kinda far-flung...)

  8. Thanks, LL, I'll pass that on.

    And big fun to be back in Calgary, what a neat city.

  9. Seamus, that's an excellent plan!

    And thanks.

  10. Brrrr, Paul. But it's weirdly mild here, maybe they've been paying their weather tax?
