Friday, November 17, 2023



You no sooner get home to the mobbed mayhem of DFW's Terminal C than you notice Target, yes, Target, America's family store supermart, is up to its old tricks. That's right, they're pushing POC rainbow "Nutcrackers" and a POC Santa in a wheel chair, paraplegic Santa. Look, here He/Him is:

Wow, what a cutting-edge marketing strategy, picture the scene at Target Corporate, "Seriously, ths brand is tired, Target is yesterday's suburban mall has-been, like JC Goddam Penny, Sears or that supermarket no one even remembers, what was it? Yeah, Kroger and Piggly Wiggly. We need to shine or we go down into the trashcan of history."

Enter Erik Thompson, Target's Senior LGBTQIA+ Segmentation Strategist & Pride Lead, who goes by the username "gaycruella" on Instagram, "Time to whip out the ... Glitter & Hellfire ... flamethrowers and rip that old world to shreds darlings."

Round of stunned applause in the conference room and net result? Nasty Christmas ornaments which appeal to a tiny fraction of the nation and offend "that old world" which Target so badly wants to sell to and, apparently, "rip apart." Target must feel it's riding the rainbow unicorn wave of a revolution all the way to profit. But here's the thing.

Why hasn't the Old World, call it Christendom if you like, stood up to this risible affront to Christian sensibility, to say nothing of common sense. Lack of nerve for sure and more to the point, outright apostasy, and could it be that our major stores are run by the rainbow? Surely not, as if.

That in mind, if everyone who goes to church on a Sunday in North America were to boycott Target they'd be even more sunk than they are already.

Have at it,



  1. Lieber Gott! Erik Thompson looks like the villain “Bruno” from Frank Miller’s “The Dark Knight Returns”.

    ET should do a collabo with Daniel Kibblesmith, author of “Santa’s Husband”.

    1. Here’s Kibblesmith in all his glory.

      There are those who’d be tempted to sneer, and dismiss him as an absurd little manlet, but IMNSHO persons such as Kibblesmith are the most dangerous and damaging to society. While masquerading as a harmless-looking nebbish (word choice highly deliberate) he gnaws at the very roots of our culture and civilization, like Niðhoggr at the roots of Yggdrasil the World Tree. The members of the Frankfurt School were, for the most part, similarly harmless looking men.


  2. We need someone like the actual St. Nicholas - who smacked the heretic Arius at the council of Nicaea. I can see him going for a shop at Target and overturning some displays.

  3. Alas and alack, the Trans Muslim Etc. Santa is only a Babylon Bee concoction.

    Sniff. I am disappoint.

  4. C’mon LSP, all in the name of the true religion of Diversity and Multiculturalism! Gag me with a pitchfork.

    Those who embrace The Dark hate it when Light shines on their foolishness. This faction will continue to destroy every tradition, and traditional morals (including those pesky Ten Commandments God gave us) in order to achieve their anarchist goals.

    X2 to comments above.

  5. We stopped going to Target when they started up with the trans-bathroom shennagins. That's 17 people in the immediate family.

    LSP- with all your traveling you have been busy, but I would appreciate your (relatively) local take on +Strickland's sacking from Tyler, Texas. Excellent interview with a Tyler Deacon at Father Z's:

  6. MC, what can I say? Now you're talkin'.

  7. Well said, Seamus, St. Nick would be most incensed.

  8. I know, Wild, a fond imagining.

  9. Same here, WSF, we think as one. In fact, I haven't used that dam store for maybe a decade.

    So, welcome to the blockade.

  10. Paul, like Satan their Father, they're nihilists and doomed to boot.

  11. DOS, give me time and I'll reflect on the Strickland thing. In the meanwhile, I'm amazed he lasted as long as he did.

    Vigano forever.
