Saturday, November 25, 2023

Just Some Stupid Memes


Wow, he's white and has a dog and a gun.

And a halo and a log cabin, inna woods. Lucky boy.

And then there's a frog.




  1. I like the shrine.

    Newest grandson was baptized today under the old (1962) rite. Lots of exorcising and prayers that are missing from the current Novus Ordo version. You have to wonder why.

    Along the lines of "bad times make strong people, etc.", all the daughters are getting books on homesteading this year for Christmas. They are already doing a lot more gardening, canning, sourdough, etc.

  2. Congrats on the baptizm! And yes, the old rite is far, far superior to its novus facsim.

    From an Anglican perspective, the old rite was very didactic, and I'd wager Cranmer was attempting to educate the people through endless "teaching" collects. Fair play, but when you use it you can seee them switching off in that dazed eye kind of way people get from unending Cranmerian collects.

    1962's way more powerful, imo.

    And what good gifts for Christmas, timely.
