Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Thunder Eshaton


Yeah, go right ahead and post on Thunderbirds and see where it mythically gets you. Good call, LSP, now you're right in the middle of a ferocious, apocalyptic thunder storm. No kidding, the heavens are crashing down with eschatalogical fury.

At first I thought it was shrapnel bouncing off the justified and ancient timbers of the house but no, it was hail. I know this because I went outside to look at the lightshow and an icy boulder clocked me in the eye. Dam painful, I can tell you.

Would the rig be alright along with the planet itself? Good questions, so go outside with a flashlight to find out. All OK, thank God, and the storm passed over with its massive and predatory birds. We live to fight again another day.

All Hail Texas,



  1. There's that dratted 'climate change' again. Where will it strike next? Glad all is okay at the compound, LSP!

  2. We get those flash storms here in Northern Colorado...start out looking like a nice rain coming (which we do get) then all hell breaks loose and mixed-in hail but usually small due to our elevation (town gets the bigger stuff). It's rough on the Shade Sail out back, which now has quick drop connections in the event I have to run out there in the slicker and drop it. So far half a dozen times this "GlobalWarmingCoolingClimateChangeWhateverTheHeck" season.

  3. Got luck again here in Arlington, just thunder, lightning, and a good soaking. Down in Mansfield, daughter said there power was out until midnight. A bit farther south, our son said their backyard trampoline was pinned to their back fence.

    Stumbled over this on YooToob. It seem apropos here on more than one level. Enjoy.

    BTW, if YouTube is blocking you from videos because you are blocking adds, copy the video address and paste it into the Brave browser.

  4. We got some rain today, too, Parson. Glad you are okay.
    You all be safe and God bless.

  5. It keeps cropping up, Anon. Tricky.

  6. This really crashed down, Paul. Pretty exciting but I'm glad the truck wasn't dinged up.

    Smart quick drop solution, I need to rig something up like that on the back deck. You've inspired me!

  7. Nice link, RHT, and glad your people are safe in the 'plex. Some parts got hit pretty hard, I think.

  8. Thanks, Linda, and congrats on rain!

  9. You complain about no rain.

    You pray for rain.

    (prayers answered) It rains.

    You complain about the rain. TOO MUCH, you raise your wet face to the heavens!

    It stops complain about no rain (rinse/repeat)

    The human condition

  10. LL, one thing is clear, we can't win against the weather which is why we must pay more tax.
