Thursday, October 5, 2023

Stop Trans Genocide


Here's the deal, trans persyns are being genocided, it's a hideous thing. There's hardly a day when you don't see a tranny slaughtered and lying headless in the gutter while zhir gender dystopia drag queens are dragged into cattle cars for extinction events in cis gulags.

Yes, a terrifying reality. Just the other day I was walking by the town square  and there was a poor tranny lying face down on the tarmac like a fragment of a broken child's toy. Heartrending and tragic.

The very same day at Milano's Pizza we navigated a veritable heap of dead and dying trannies, just outside the door of the pizzeria where they'd been transmassacred. The sheer trans horror of it all.

So awful, so many trannies dead due to spite, bigotry and Trumpism. It's like the killing fields of Cambodia but oh, so very much worse. Yes, it's here in North Central Texas; piles of dead trannies everywhere, a genocide.

For God's sake, please cut this risible, insane, demonic, Mengele garbage out. And I tell you, there will be a reckoning.

Nuremberg Forever,



  1. A modest suggestion may be in order.

    Perhaps invite Mzzzzz Levine and this Anna Martin person to Shooky's for the aforementioned services on half-priced pizza Thursday. Perhaps an impromptu baptism might be in order for those two. I'd say an immersion of at least 5 minutes ought to cleanse them thoroughly, or near enough.

    Sorry. Clearly the last counseling session did not last very long. Mea culpa, etc.

  2. If I might take WWW suggestion a bit farther you might, prior to them arriving, fill 2 water glasses with holy water. But come prepared for clean up duty if they melt on the spot. Clean up on aisle 2.

  3. I get the satire and sarcasm. I guess the selling point is that the Republican movement of a war on
    trans folk and people sexually wired differently than the rest of us really ain’t all that bad?

    I’m no expert on gender dysphoria, intersex, or other disorders but as a child, I did know of a farmer who had a 200 pound goat who had both a vagina and a penis. The elder farmers hypothesized that the large weight was nature’s way of protecting it from being killed by the other goats.

    I’ve wondered over the years if there was a time some doctor had to look up at a new mother and ask: “whadda ya want me to do, snip or stitch ?”. And of course, raising the child who lost the coin flip of the snip or stitch. Certainly would make for some awkward teenage years.

    Granted, such occurrences would be extremely rare but I’m sure there are multiple levels of the serious of conditions.

    Just seems to me that rather than this orchestrated political attack on .5 percent of American dealing with such handicaps, for no other reason than to pump oxygen into the “war on woke” in order to rile and anger their base or to muddy the waters of public and political discourse and feed the echo chamber of sympathetic right-wing media and blogs in order to prey on naive and unsuspecting MAGAnuts, this issue would be better left to these parents, medical profession, and their God rather than politicians.

    Just my opinion.

  4. I prefer to believe I react to people based on their character. If your character is one of public perversion and promiscuity, don't expect a respectful response from me.

  5. What WSF said, who is paraphrasing MLK Jr. Of course, that all went out the window years ago..."orchestrated political attack" indeed.

  6. That's a very sensible suggestion, Wild.

  7. Now that, glasslass, is not only sensible but visionary. Nice.

  8. Thanks for the opinion, Ronald, and in fairness it was a bit of a snark of a post.

    My opinion? Love the sinner, hate the sin and I'd argue there's more than a little of the latter about a movement which tries to convince us that we can change God given gender at will. Crowley's "do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law" sort of thing.

    That said, if people want to do that to their bodies and give themselves over as a lifetime experiment to the pharmaceutical industry that's their call. A very, very bad one, I'd say, but the choice is theirs and perhaps sympathy is a better reaction than, ahem, attack blogging.

    Still, let's not pretend that being opposed to the current trans fad in identity politics at profit somehow amounts to "genocide." It doesn't. Trans people aren't being rounded up and shot, in fact they're being encouraged at the highest level, see Levine and White House flags. And that was the point of the post, "Trans people are being genocided!" No they're not, they're being boosted by the people who rule us.

    To your point, I agree, it'd a very good thing if politicians weren't involved.

    Regardless, thanks for the comment, forgive such a long response and feel free to chime in.

  9. It looks like some of these trans and drag queens😈 need exorcisms, especially the Levine persyn above! Possibly a job for you LSP?

  10. Oh my, Anon, exorcisms are clearly in order and I pass that on up the chain of command. You know, there was a mass exorcism in Mexico, not that long ago, or at least a call for one. Maybe the US needs the same treatment.

  11. If dead trannies are turned into Soylent Green, whose picture is on the can?

  12. Now that, Mr. LL, is an excellent question. Maybe the Admiral?

  13. LSP, I’m a bit of a political junkie and follow a lot of state and Fed legislation along with how several legislators, news feeds, and the social media and echo chambers channel their version of it. It’s like that adage of how a lie can travel around the world before the truth can get out of the door- or, something like that.

    With that said, I really don’t know where these claims of mass transsexual roundups and exterminations are coming from. Oh, a few derogatory or hate filled slips of the tongue from a few legislators but we’re always going to have a few nut jobs or gaffe machines out there and there was a trans legislator in MO who was banned from speaking on the floor ever again for saying lawmakers would have blood on their hands by denying parents of getting trans kids medical treatment because it would spike an already high suicidal number. But otherwise, I’m not aware of any movement to slaughter this low percentage of our population. Granted of course, there are arguments that such rhetoric and grooming fear mongering coming from certain factions are creating safety concerns for some families but in fairness, I’d say I’d have such concerns if I was raising a child with such issues.

    Getting back to that goat and how a doctor and mother had to make a hypothetical choice of either snip or stitch. Where is the “sin” and who is the “sinner”? And as the child grows into a soft girly voiced blue eyed young man in need of a training bra who feels uncomfortable in teenage conversation with the boys, where is the sin we hate or the sinner we love. Or, how about the deep voiced flat chested teenage girl with a fuzzy haired lip and chin who would really like to have her penis back? Where or who is the sin or sinner?

    Okay and again, such situations as the goat are extremely rare. And again, I’m no expert on this issue nor have I had any personal family dealings with it. I do find this movement sweeping Republican states to be more about a conqueror and divide strategy along with silencing a small group of people who were asking for a voice. I’ve asked this question for years: “should transgenders have the same rights to vote as non-transgender people?”. The answer is almost always either a yes or a refusal to answer. So why have some Republican states mandated voter registration forms have a check male or female with harsh penalties for falsifying? They do it because they know the Democratic Party will cry fowl and then they can accuse Dems of endorsing this “sin” and “sinners”you speak of.

    Forgive me for being long winded but it reminds me of how GWB would constantly state that gay marriages “threatened traditional marriages”. I mean, I’ve been married for 39 years and not once has anyone of the gay community threatened my marriage- nor do I know of any it has. It was no more than utter bull crap to scare people of people not like them. But now, red states have notched the rhetoric up to actual legislation with no other purpose than to stir the blood, get the heart pumping and outrage flowing of the constituents, another attempt to convince the pitchfork people that the torch people want to take away their pitch forks.

  14. I feel you may be onto something with the pitchfork and torch point, RW. Divide and conquer, sort of thing.
