Friday, October 20, 2023

Listen Up & Say No To Fakery


Do you remember George Floyd, the holy race martyr who was executed by a white cop, Derek Chauvin? Sure you do, evil rayciss Chauvin decided to kill innocent Floyd because of the color of his skin. Except this isn't true, Floyd died because of a massive fentanyl overdose, but there's more. Here's damning words addressed to the Democrat plantation via Tucker:

Whoa, and yes, we all know this. The Democrat/Uniparty concern to look after "minorities" is just as fake as the rainbow they've enlisted. Regardless, strong words, eh?



  1. Then there is Harambe... Who looks a little like St. George Floyd.

  2. Sometimes it looks like we are doomed.

  3. Sadly, all of the truths were known within 24 hours, including the autopsy results and the tox screen.

    And it just wasn't a lethal dose of Fentanyl. It was multiple lethal doses of Fentanyl and OTHER drugs.

    Even sadder, all of this was known and proven by the Defense in the cop's trial. That nothing the cops did or could have done contributed or caused or prevented George's death. That he would have been dead if he was standing in an ER and took the drugs after getting everyone's attention and the crash teams had been ready like NASCAR pit teams. Yet the jury still voted to convict because multiple jurists said they felt pressured by outside sources to convict (and if that wasn't jury intimidation and tampering, well, I don't know jury intimidation and tampering.)

    That anyone with a lick of common sense and/or intelligence still believed and still believes the Myth of St. George of Fentanyl astounds me.

    We are, as CO Jones says above, are doomed.

  4. Will the feds release the political prisoners? Or will they stay in their Gulag Archipelago?

  5. Derek Chauvin is the martyr. I pray he gets a new trial, is released, and sues them for billions and wins.

  6. A neighbor had family from Minneapolis, ran a mentoring program. The young man working the convenience store just prior to this incident received the counterfeit $20 bill from Floyd and called his manager, who knew of Floyd and his drug sales, etc., so called the police. Floyd ran. Also said it was common knowledge that just prior Chauvin had been called to a domestic that he deescalated successfully, only to be called to the Floyd incident location to assist as a senior officer.

    Chauvin followed protocol per department regulations, and his fellow officers had given Floyd a protracted amount of time to comply, but he had injected his bag of fentanyl just prior when he saw the initial responding officers tracking him. The rest was a stupid audience of useless Instagram fame seekers filming from odd angles. So ial media can be a tool but for most it’s a cancer that rots the brain. This entire episode was used to foment chaos and discord in America…by every Soros funded judge and DA, and the push narrative media.

    I have prayed, and with this video, will continue to pray for Chauvin and his fellow officers for exoneration and release.

  7. I bought 2 Vince Ellison books after seeing his interview with Tucker.
