Saturday, October 14, 2023



It wasn't easy to tear myself away from our impending doom 24/7 news war cycle but that's what I did, put down the internet and drove out to Mission #2 for a presentation by Bryant Stanton of Stanton Studios on his glasswork. This features at the Mission in a series of windows, which he made in the '80s.

Since then he's grown in expertise and so has his family business, which produces remarkable glass, not least for the Church. Seriously, here's a person, a true artist and craftsman who creates beauty in this medium, glass.

I tell you, a rare breed and even rarer, totally without side, a humble and faithful Christian artisan. I was totally impressed. You can see his studio's work here and, if your church needs new or restored stained glass, give him a call. Most definitely the real deal. I understand he works nationally but perhaps overseas too.

And herein lies a lesson. We've surrounded ourselves with ugliness in our shortsighted greed and this reflects an ugliness of the soul. Stanton and people like him are about the exact opposite, we must support them.




  1. Nice actual stained glass, with the burned on images and shading. Rather than just colored glass.

    Glad to see someone still doing the old school stuff.

  2. You can judge the quality based on the width of the cham as well.

  3. LL, I was really impressed by this guy. I think he heads up the "guild" or whatever it's called of stained glass makers in the US. And now now I remember that you've worked in glass, what a great skill.

    I've invited Bryant to write for the mag, what a good guy (if you want glass for the lodge check him out).

  4. Right on, Beans, and a very humble Christian to boot, I was most impressed.

  5. This is what I hear, LL, not that I know much about it, but still.
